
Nintendo celebrates E3 by releasing Major League Eating for WiiWare

Distancing itself from Microsoft's strategy of releasing anticipated online content (and, erm, Coffee Time Crosswords) during E3 2008, Nintendo has opted instead to give us Major League Eating: The Game for this week's WiiWare title.

We're letting the press release speak for itself: "This isn't just a race to stuff your face-you'll need strategy to master a smorgasbord of digestive attacks, defenses and counters. These include the Mega Burp, Gas Attack, Antacid and more. And don't forget to keep an eye on your Barf-O-Meter, because if the food hits the plate twice, you're out."

Fighting through the Barf-O-Meter will set you back $10. Here's hoping for a few surprises coming from the press conference.