
PS3 Poll Police: E3 is over. Was it good for you, too?

It's over. E3 has come to an end and the Sony camp has stolen the show. To some people. To others, they did nothing. Still others claim their opinion lies somewhere in the middle. Today, the Poll Police are putting these different opinions to the test: will more people think back on E3 positively or negatively? How did you feel about this year's E3 for Sony?

E3 is over. Was it good for you, too?

Yeah, it was a great show.

I thought it was okay.

It wasn't anything special.

Really, it was sort of bad.

Worst. E3. Ever.

I've got an opinion different from these choices. free polls

We looked back at everything that was announced or displayed at the Sony press conference and there actually was quite a bit worthwhile mentioned. However, did the Final Fantasy XIII announcement overshadow a smattering of decently good things? Were the Sony offerings not your cup of tea? Whatever your reason, it is justified simply because it is your opinion. That's what matters. Our last poll relied on your opinions, too, and look how that turned out.

[Update: we had a snafu where two polls were displayed. The error has been corrected and we apologize for any inconvenience and confusion.]

It turned out well. A lot of you voted and a lot of you agree -- the troubles people had with upgrading to firmware 2.40 was largely an internet-related phenomenon. Over 87% of you experienced no trouble or didn't get to download the update at all. There you have it, then: most of us were fine, but we probably got a little worried. Thanks for voting!