
User-generated content rules Band Brothers DX

For most of us, Band Brothers DX is just one of many unattainable titles in the Japanese market. We want to play it and love the crap out of it, but our inability to understand the Japanese squigglies keeps us from realizing just how great the game is. Thanks to Spencer at Siliconera, we can keep up with the most beloved content for the title.

You can see the top 100 downloads yourself right here. It's not going to mean much to a majority of you, but if you're looking for the top downloads of this week, then peep this:

  1. Shuchi Shin (Shuchi Shin)

  2. Gake no Ue no Ponyo (Miyazaki movie theme?)

  3. Nakanai de (Shuchi Shin)

  4. Kiseki (GReeeeN)

  5. Nando mo (Aoyama Thelma)* created by Nintendo

[Via Siliconera]