
Comcast sweetens 'Triple Play' package with a free Wii

If you're willing (or, like many who want to watch TV and use the Internet, forced) to be gouged by Comcast on their "Triple Play" package, they'll go to the trouble of tracking down a Wii for you -- and then pay for it as well. Of course, there are catches to the free Wii program -- other than the fact that you have to pay for the digital phone service that is one of the three components of the Triple Play.

If you want a Wii, you have to sign up for two years of the service, and you have to be a new customer. And you have to do this by August 17. But at least this offer is better than dealing with Comcast sans bribe!

As was the case with Comcast's free DS offer, this promotion is accompanied by an excellent commercial.

[Via Joystiq; commercial via WiiNintendo]