
Vote for your favorite Resistance 2 LE cover at IGN

Video game cover art usually comes in two flavors: "awesome" and "please put the box face-down and never show that to me again." Insomniac is looking for your help to make sure Resistance 2's box art belongs squarely in the first category, by asking you to vote on your favorite cover art over at IGN. More specifically, this is to vote for the Collector's Edition which, let's be honest here, the majority of you will be picking up on launch day.

Of the three images, only one stands out to us as the clear winner (we wonder if you can guess which one ...), but maybe you have different ideas. Let us know which one you've picked in the comments after you've cast your vote. Just head on over to IGN and click the correct link at the bottom to email the correct vote.

Also, notice the "Only on PlayStation" and "PlayStation Network" logo at the top. Looks pretty nice, if you ask us. We're looking forward to seeing these logos printed at the top of many more PS3 games in the future.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]