
HP rumored to be concocting digiframe / slate PC hybrid device

We've heard some rumors that were pretty far out in left field, but this one is far out. In fact, the only reason we're giving it even an ounce of credence is that it's a perfect market opportunity -- we mean, who isn't dreadfully sick of the plain jane digital photo frames that are impossible to distinguish from one another? At any rate, whispers have it that HP is working up a frame that will double as a slate PC of sorts, giving users a full blown web browser, e-mail client, RSS reader and access to other "widgets and lightweight applications." Predictably, the mythical unit will be marketed as a companion internet device, and we're told that it may even boast an Intel Atom CPU alongside a 10-inch panel and a WiFi radio. We'll find out if you'll really be burning $400 on this so-called conglomerate before the year's end.