
Kendra Bancroft/Madeleine Blaustein passes away

It is with some regret that we note the passing of a notable, veteran Second Life user, the vivacious and witty Kendra Bancroft, better known in some circles as popular children's television and video-game English voice actress, Madeleine Blaustein.

Maddie joined Second Life in June 2004 and under the name Kendra Bancroft was a long time friend and compatriot of the well-known (if slightly infamous) Ulrika Zugzwang. She participated in Second Life politics, experimental democracy, protests, parties and virtual construction.

Maddie also gave unique voice to a variety of well-known cartoon, anime and video-game characters, such as Pokemon's Meowth, and Sartorius from Yi-Gi-Oh GX. She was, however, perhaps most notable for her building, vivacious wit, and her loyalty to her friends.

Maddie died in her sleep on 11 December, after a brief (but unspecified) illness at the age of 48.

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