
Welcome to Joystiq Xbox!

Well, here it is. The ascension has been completed: Xbox 360 Fanboy has become Joystiq Xbox. Aside from the new look, you'll notice that much more content is readily available. It's all upin your face. But, in a good way. Like a "hey, here's a bunch of gaming news if you want to read it, maybe" sort of way.

If you scroll down some on the right side, you'll see the Xbox 360 Fancast has a module which streams the latest episode for you, allowing you to listen to the sweet sounds of Richard, Xav, Dustin, and Alexander while you read up on the latest Xbox 360 news. Episode 101 will drop sometime on Tuesday and the entire cast will discuss the new changes and why you should be excited.

The podcast archive and streaming version has been fixed in the side module. Feeds should continue to work properly but you may experience a hiccup or two, the Zune podcast feed may experience issues for example. If you have trouble just leave us a comment. We're here to serve!

The most important thing to keep in mind is that, while the name and look has changed, the spirit of Xbox 360 Fanboy lives on. This new, streamlined version of Joystiq Xbox has been developed to give you the best, up-to-date news on your favorite console with new and exciting content. You may notice other writers from within the network poking their heads in to drop in some news, so treat them with respect. After all, they are here to serve you, too!

To recap, our look and name may have changed, but you're going to get the same experience here at Joystiq Xbox. We hope you like the new coat of paint and please tell us what you think in the comments!