
BBFC doesn't note racism in submitted Resident Evil 5 scene

The British Board of Film Classification does not see an "issue around racism" in a particular Resident Evil 5 scene that may be considered inflammatory. Kikizo asked the BBFC's communication head, Sue Clark, about a specific scene where a (*minor spoiler warning*) white, blond woman is dragged by a black man and "impregnated" with the virus, in a way that evokes racist imagery.

Clark explains that the version of the scene submitted to the BBFC didn't have a black man dragging the woman. She explains that if the scene submitted were not the same as the retail version, it would be "illegal under the terms of the VRA [Video Recordings Act ]." RE5 producer Jun Takeuchi told us in a recent interview that when players finally get their hands on the full game, he believes "they will see and understand what it is all about; that there is no racial element to it at all."