
Peggle Nights out for Mac, leisure time at risk

Peggle Nights is now out for Mac. The game costs $19.95 (there's a 60-min free trial available if you just want to check it out), and is as addictive as crack cocaine covered in sugar, drizzled with chocolate, and floating in original formula Coca-Cola. It should probably be illegal for PopCap to release games -- any court would convict them of the mass murder of free time around the world.

Don't believe us? Patrick Klepek over at the MTV Multiplayer blog tried out the game when it showed up on his desk, and let's just say he doesn't have that job any more. Of course, that's unrelated (we think), but still -- PopCap makes some addictive videogames, and Peggle is at the top of the list. Play with caution. And don't forget that the iPhone version of the game is still due out sometime this month.