
Champions Online's Dr. Silverback profiled

Don't believe everything you've learned from Planet of the Apes movies. Dr. Silverback is easily one of the most intelligent creatures around, and he's very much a gorilla, too. You can read all about him in the latest hero profiles on Champions Online's official website.

But what we really love about Dr. Silverback is that he fights not with his strength, but his mind by building powerful gadgets. And because he attended schools of higher learning in England -- where he was also made an official citizen -- he possess an incredibly charming accent to compliment his intellect. This has, of course, made him quite popular with the media and general populace.

So what we have here is a "gentleman" of a gorilla with enough brainpower to light up a large metropolis, who builds cool gadgets and helps the Champions solve scientific conundrums. Could you ask for a more interesting leader? Possibly, if you got really lucky, but we'd follow a crazy-smart gorilla's plans any day of the week.