
TGS 2009: Capps talks about missing 'perching' cover system from Gears of War 2

"Everyone expects sequels to be bigger and better," Dr. Michael Capps said in his Gears of War panel at Tokyo Game Show. While talking about visual prototyping, he showcased a new type of cover that was in development for GoW2 called "perching" that was ultimately removed from the game. This system would allow for the player to take cover behind a wall as usual, but by pushing up, Marcus would be able to grab the top of the wall, and pull up. Hanging from the top of the wall, players would be able to fire their gun, with an improved vertical vantage of the battlefield.

It looked really cool, yes, but Capps talked about how they couldn't implement it in the game because it simply broke the game -- especially in multiplayer. It would be unfair if players could see the entire battlefield, while still being able to stay in cover. Too bad ... because it did look really cool.