
Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess coming soon to PSP Minis

While we personally believe that there's no room for uncertainty when it comes to royal kidnappings, we suppose it's appropriate in the case of Mediatonic's recently announced PSP Mini, Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess. Keep it straight -- there's no doubt whether a princess has been stolen. She definitely has. The parenthetical modifier in the middle of that title is referring to the Monsters, who may or may not have stolen said Princess. Even without any prior knowledge of the heist, we'd bet they were somehow involved.

We digress! In M(P)SMP, you play as The Duke, who reacts unfavorably to the disappearance of his beloved princess, and begins pummeling random monsters in an attempt to rescue said heiress. We expect monster sympathizers worldwide to get their dander up when this one launches on the PSN sometime in February.