
WoW Rookie: Essential WoW terminology in other languages

New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the basics of a good start in the World of Warcraft. For links to all our tips, tricks and how-to's, visit's WoW Rookie Guide.

Együtt szaladjunk vissza a temetötöl hogy ne vesszünk el. In the sprawling, global environment that is the World of Warcraft today, there's really no telling who you'll end up grouped with. Even on a white-bread American realm, I've met players whose primary language was not English. Gamers are everywhere now! In the spirit of international cooperation, WoW Rookie has crowdsourced a list of basic WoW terminology for PUGging. The next time you run into a situation where you need to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language, reach for our translations in the Newbie Guide, linked under Guides in the drop-down menu at the top of the site.

Kudos to the hundreds of readers who responded to our call for translations. Merci, gracias, tack, hvala! Let's crowdsource corrections, too -- if you spot anything incorrect, drop me a line at lisa (at) wow (dot) com. Oh, and "Együtt szaladjunk vissza a temetötöl hogy ne vesszünk el?" That's "Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost" ... in Hungarian.

Keep in mind that many languages use game terms in their original English or alter them only slightly from their original. There might be a more formal, "correct" way of saying something, but our goal here is to be quickly and easily understood. We've included several translations where we felt that each translation might hold merit. Most languages use English gamespeak for terms such as tank, heal, buff names, AFK and BRB; we've included alternatives when they seemed commonly used.

WoW Rookie's Translation Guide


Hello Alo
Goodbye Mirupafshim
Please tà lutem
Thank you Faleminderit
Yes Po
No Jo
I don't know. Nuk e di.

Ready? Gati?
Follow me. Pas meje.
Go Shkoj
Stop Ndalu
Which way? Cila rrugë?
Right Djathtas
Left Majtas
Straight Drejtë
North Veriu
South Jugu
East Lindje
West Perëndim
Up Lart
Down poshtÃ

Move! Lëviz.
Wait here. Prisni këtu.

Need Nevojë
Greed Lakmi

I need this quest. Unë kam nevojë për [X].
I need to kill [X]. Unë kam nevojë për tà vrar [X].
I need to gather [X]. Unë kam nevojë per tà mbledhur [X].

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Hello Ni hao.
Goodbye Zai jian.
Please Qing
Thank you Xie xie.
Yes Shi
No Bu shi | bu dui
I don't know. Wo bu zhi dao.

Ready? Zhun bei le mah?
Ready! Zhun bei hao le!
Wait, please. Qing deng yi xia.
Follow me. Gen wo lai | Geng zhe wo
Go Qu
Stop Deng
Which way? Nei bian zou? | Na li?
Right You
Left Zuo
Straight Yi zhi
North Bei
South Nan
East Dong
West Xi
Up Shang
Down Xia
Wait here. Zai zhe li deng.

Would you like to run another? Ni xiang bu xiang zai zuo yi ge?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Zdravo | bok
Goodbye Dovidjenja | zbogom | bok
Please Molim | Molim te
Thank you Hvala
Yes Da
No Ne
I don't know. Ne znam.

I'll tank. Ja sam tenk.
I'll heal. Ja sam healer.

Can you share quests? Mozes li podijeliti questove?

Buffs Bafovi |Bufovi | Buffs
Please turn off Aspect. Molim te iskljuci aspekt.

Ready? Spreman?
Ready! Spreman!
Wait, please. Cekaj molim te (sing.) | Cekajte molim vas (plu.)

Follow me. Slijedi me (sing.) | Slijedite me (pl.)
Go Idi | kreni
Stop Stani
Which way? Kojim putem?
Right Desno
Left Lijevo
Straight Ravno
North Sjever
South Jug
East Istok
West Zapad
Up Gore
Down Dolje

Let the tank pull. Pusti tenka da vuce. |Pusti tenka da pulla.
Don't pull aggro. Nemoj ukrast aggro.
Move! Mici se | Pomakni se
Wait here. Cekaj ovdje.
Need heals. Trebam heal.

Need Potreba
Greed Pohlepa
Need on items you want for any reason. Needaj na predmet ako ga trebas iz nekog razloga.

I need this quest. Trebam ovaj quest.
I need to kill [X]. Trebam ubiti [X].
I need to gather [X]. Trebam skupiti [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Trcimo zajedno od groblja da se ne izgubimo.
Would you like to run another? Jeste li za jos jednu partiju? (plu.) | Jel netko za jos jednu partiju? (sing.)

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Hello Ahoj
Goodbye Ahoj
Please Prosím
Thank you Děkuji
Yes Ano
No Ne
I don't know. Nevím.

I'll tank. Budu tankovat.
I'll heal. Budu léčit. | Budu healovat.
Can you share quests? Nasdílejte mi prosím questy.

Buffs Buffy
Please turn off Aspect. Prosím vypni Aspect.

Ready? Připraveni?
Ready! Připraveni!
AFK Jdu od klávesnice.
BRB Hned jsem zpět.
Wait, please. Počkejte, prosím.

Follow me. Pojď za mnou.
Go Jdi | jděte
Stop Stát
Which way? Kudy?
Right Doprava
Left Doleva
Straight Rovně
North Na sever
South Na jih
East Na východ
West Na západ
Up Nahoru
Down Dolů

Let the tank pull. Nech tanka zaútočit prvního.
Don't pull aggro. Dávej si pozor na svoje vysoké agro.
Move! Pohyb!
Wait here. Počkej tady.
Need heals. Potřebuji vyléčit!

Need Potřebuji na používání.
Greed Chci na prodej.
Need on items you want for any reason. Klikni na need u věcí at je potřebuješ z jakéhokoliv důvodu.

I need this quest. Potřebuji tenhle quest.
I need to kill [X]. Potřebuji zabít [X].
I need to gather [X]. Potřebuji sebrat [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Poběžme ze hÅbitova spolu aÅ se neztratíme.

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Hello Hej
Goodbye Farvel
Please Vær så venlig
Thank you Tak
Yes Ja
No Nej
I don't know. Det ved jeg ikke.

I'll tank. Jeg tanker.
I'll heal. Jeg healer.

Buffs Buffs
Please turn off Aspect. Vær venligst at slå aspect fra. | Vær sød at fjerne Aspect.

Ready? Klar?
Ready! Klar!
AFK AFK, Væk fra tastaturet
BRB BRB, Er tilbage om et øjeblik
Wait, please. Lige et øjeblik, tak. | Vent, tak.

Follow me. Følg mig.
Go Kom nu! | Go.
Stop Stop.
Which way? Hvilken vej?
Right Højre
Left Venstre
Straight Lige ud
North Nord
South Syd
East Øst
West Vest
Up Op
Down Ned

Let the tank pull. Lad tanken gå først.
Don't pull aggro. Lad være med at tage aggro.
Move! Flyt dig!
Wait here. Vent her.
Need heals. Har brug for healing.

Need Brug for/nødvendig/kræve
Greed Kan godt tænke sig/grådig | Greed
Need on items you want for any reason. Du skal kun kræve ting, hvis du har brug for dem. | Need på det item, hvis du har brug for af nogen særlig grund.

I need this quest. Jeg har brug for denne quest. | Jeg har brug for den her quest.
I need to kill [X]. Jeg har brug for at dræbe [X]. | Jeg har brug for at slå [X] ihjel.
I need to gather [X]. Jeg har brug for at samle [X]. | Jeg har brug for at samle [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Kan vi ikke lobe tilbage fra kirkegården sammen, så vi ikke farer vild. | Lad os løbe sammen tilbage til gravpladsen så vi ikke fare vild.
Would you like to run another? Vil du løbe en til? Skal vi tage en mere?

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Hello Hallo
Goodbye Vaarwel | Dag | Tot ziens
Please Alstublieft | Alsjeblieft
Thank you Dank u | Bedankt
Yes Ja
No Nee
I don't know. Weet ik niet. | ik weet het niet

I'll tank. Ik zal tanken.
I'll heal. Ik zal heelen.
Can you share quests? Kan je de quests delen?

Buffs Buffs
Please turn off Aspect. Doe je aspect uit, alsjeblieft. | Wil je alsjeblieft Aspect uit doen?

Ready? Klaar?
Ready! Klaar! | Gaan!
AFK Weg van toetsenbord | ik ben even weg
BRB Ben zo terug
Wait, please. Wacht alstublieft. | Wacht even aub.

Follow me. Volg mij.
Go Ga | Gaan
Stop Stop
Which way? Welke kant?
Right Rechts
Left Links
Straight Rechtdoor
North Noord
South Zuid
East Oost
West West
Up Omhoog | Naar boven | Boven
Down Omlaag | Naar beneden | Onder

Let the tank pull. Laat de tank pullen.
Don't pull aggro. Geen aggro pullen. | Voorzichtig met je aggro.
Move! Beweeg. | Lopen! | Kom nou! | Ga!
Wait here. Wacht hier.
Need heals. Heb heling nodig. | Genees mij!

Need Nodig
Greed Hebberig | Willen | Hebzucht
Need on items you want for any reason. Nodig op de voorwerpen die je voor enige reden wilt hebben.

I need this quest. Ik heb deze quest nodig. | Ik wil graag deze quest doen.
I need to kill [X]. Ik moet [X] doden.
I need to gather [X]. Ik moet [X] verzamelen.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Laten we allemaal terug naar de begraafplaats gaan zodat we niet verdwalen. | Laten we samen teruglopen vanaf het kerkhof zodat we niet verdwalen. | Laten we samen terugrennen naar ons lijk zodat we niet verdwalen.
Would you like to run another? Wil je een ander rennen? | Willen jullie er nog een doen?

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Hello Tere
Goodbye Head Aega
Please Palun
Thank you Tänan
Yes Jah
No Ei
I don't know. Ma ei tea

I'll tank. Ma tankin.
I'll heal. Ma ravin.
Can you share quests? Kas sa saad jagada seda ülesannet.

Buffs Täiendused.
Please turn off Aspect. Palun võta maha see aspekt.

Ready? Valmis?
Ready! Valmis!
AFK Eemal
BRB Tulen kohe tagasi - TKT
Wait, please. Oota palun.

Follow me. Järgi mind.
Go Mine
Stop Seisa
Which way? Mis teed pidi.
Right Parem
Left Vasak
Straight Otse
North Põhi
South Lõuna
East Ida
West Lääs
Up Üles
Down Alla

Let the tank pull. Las tank tõmbab.
Don't pull aggro. Ära tõmba äggro.
Move! Mine!
Wait here. Oota siin.
Need heals. Vajan ravi.

Need Vajan
Greed Ahnin
Need on items you want for any reason. Vajan asju mida sa mingil põhjusel tahad.

I need this quest. Vajan seda ülesannet.
I need to kill [X]. Vajan tappa
I need to gather [X]. Vajan korjata
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Jookseme tagasi surnuaiast nii et me ära ei eksi.
Would you like to run another? Tahad veel ühe joosta?

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Hello Hei | Moi | Moro
Goodbye hei hei / näkemiin | Näkyilee
Please Voisitko | Ole kiltti
Thank you kiitos
Yes kyllä
No ei
I don't know. En tiedä. | En tiiä

I'll tank. Tankkaan.
I'll heal. Healaan. / Parannan.
Can you share quests? Voitko jakaa questit?

Buffs Buffit.
Please turn off Aspect. Ota aspekti pois päältä. | Pistä aspekti pois.

Ready? Valmis?
Ready! Valmis!
Wait, please. Odota. | Oottakaa hetki.

Follow me. Seuraa minua.
Go Mene | Mee
Stop Pysähdy
Which way? Mihin suuntaan?
Right oikea
Left vasen
Straight suoraan
North pohjoinen
South etelä
East itä
West länsi
Up ylös
Down alas

Let the tank pull. Anna tankin pullata.
Don't pull aggro. Älä aggroa.
Move! Liiku!
Wait here. Odota tässä. | Venaa täs.
Need heals. Tarvitsen healia. | Tarviin hiilejä.

Need tarve
Greed ahneus
Need on items you want for any reason. Jos tarvitset niin tarvitset.

I need this quest. Tarvitsen tämän questin.
I need to kill [X]. Minun täytyy tappaa X.
I need to gather [X]. Minun täytyy poimia X.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Juostaan hautuumaalta yhdessä jotta emme eksy. | Juostaa graveyardilt yhdessä ettei eksytä.
Would you like to run another? Mennäänkö uudestaan? | Toine runi?

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Hello Bonjour.
Goodbye Au revoir | A+ | a2m1
Please S'il vous plait (SVP)
Thank you Merci
Yes Oui
No Non
I don't know. Je ne sais pas.

I'll tank. Je vais tanker.
I'll heal. Je vais soigner.
Can you share quests? Peux-tu partager les quetes?

Buffs Buffs
Fortitude Robustesse
Divine Spirit Esprit divin
Mark of the Wild Marque du fauve | Papatte ("paw")
Arcane Intellect Intelligence des Arcanes, intelligence arcanique | Intell
Blessing of Kings Bénédiction des Rois
Blessing of Might Bénédiction de Puissance
Please turn off Aspect. Enlève aspect SVP.

Ready? Prêt?
Ready! Prêt!
BRB Je reviens.
Wait, please. Attendez.
Follow me. Suivez-moi.
Go. Allez.
Stop. Arrêtez.
Which way? Quelle direction? | C'est par où?
Right À droite
Left À gauche
Straight Tout droit
North Nord
South Sud
East Est
West Ouest
Up En haut
Down En bas

Let the tank pull. Laissez le tank pull.
Don't pull aggro. Attention a l'aggro. Ne tirez pas sur les agressifs.
Move! Bouge!
Wait here. Attendez ici.
Need heals. J'ai besoin de heal.

Need Besoin
Greed Cupidité ("cupi")
Need on items you want for any reason. Faites Besoin sur ce que vous voulez.

I need this quest. J'ai besoin de cette quete. |Je dois faire cette quête. | Je need cette quête.
I need to kill [X]. Je dois tuer [x].
I need to gather [X]. J'ai besoin de ramasser [x].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Rentrons du cimetière ensemble pour ne pas nous perdre.
Would you like to run another? Vous voulez en faire un autre ?

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Hello Hallo
Goodbye Tschüss
Please Bitte
Thank you Danke
Yes Ja
No Nein
I don't know. Weiß ich nicht.

I'll tank. Ich tanke.
I'll heal. Ich heile.
Can you share quests? Bitte Quests teilen!

Buffs Buffs
Fortitude Ausdauer
Divine Spirit Wille
Mark of the Wild Mal der Wildniss | MDW
Arcane Intellect IntBuff | Int
Blessing of Kings Segen der Könige (SDK); SdK
Blessing of Might Segen der Macht (SDM); SdM
Please turn off Aspect. Macht den Aspekt aus.!

Ready? Bereit?
Ready! Bereit!
Wait, please. Moment bitte. | Kurz warten bitte. | mom pls

Follow me. Folgt mir.
Go. Los gehts.
Stop. Stopp.
Which way? Wohin?
Right Rechts
Left Links
Straight Geradeaus
North Norden
South Süden
East Osten
West Westen
Up Rauf
Down Runter

Let the tank pull. Lasst den Tank pullen!
Don't pull aggro. Zieh keine Aggro.
Move! Bewegung!
Wait here. Warte hier.
Need heals. Brauche Heilung.

Need Bedarf
Greed Gier
Need on items you want for any reason. Auf alles was du brauchen kannst Bedarf würfeln.

I need this quest. Ich brauche diese Quest.
I need to kill [X]. Ich muss noch [X] töten.
I need to gather [X]. Ich muss noch [X] sammeln.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Können wir gemeinsam vom Friedhof zurück laufen. Lasst uns vom Friedhof zusammen laufen damit wir uns nicht verlaufen.
Would you like to run another? Nochmal? Wollt ihr nochmal eine Instanz machen?

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Hello Hi\Shalom
Goodbye Bye\Leitraot
Please Bevakasha
Thank you Toda
Yes Ken
No Lo
I don't know. Lo yodea

I'll tank. Ani yetanek
I'll heal. Ani yerape
Can you share quests? Ata yahol leshatef et a questim\mesimot?

Buffs Buffim
Please turn off Aspect. Bevakasha tehabe et a hebet\aspect

Ready? Muhan?
Ready! Muhan!
AFK RMAM- Rahok Me A Mikledet
BRB MH-Miyad Hozer
Wait, please. Hake bevakasha

Follow me. Akov aharay | Bo' Eetee
Go Leh
Stop Atzor
Which way? Eize dereh? | Le'eizeh derech
Right Yamin
Left Smol
Straight Yashar
North Tzafon
South Darom
East Mizrah
West Maarav
Up Lemeala
Down Lemata

Let the tank pull. Ten la tank limshoh
Don't pull aggro. Al timsoh aggro
Move! Zuz!
Wait here. Hake po
Need heals. Tzarih ripuim

Need Tzarih
Greed Lo tzarih(Don't Need)\Teavat Betza
Need on items you want for any reason. Tzarih et a hafatzim mi kol siba she yesh.

I need this quest. Ani Tzarih et a quest\mesima aze\azot
I need to kill [X]. Ani Tzarih laarog et [X]
I need to gather [X]. Ani Tzarih leesof [X]
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Bo narutz mi bet a kvarot beyahad, kedey she lo neleh leibud.
Would you like to run another? Rotze od ritza?

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Hello Szia! / Helló! / Csá!
Goodbye Viszlát!
Please Kérem (more formal). Kérlek (more informal).
Thank you Köszönöm.
Yes Igen
No Nem
I don't know. Nem tudom.

I'll tank. Én tankolok.
I'll heal. Én healelek.
Can you share quests? Megosztod a questeket/küldetéseket?

Ready? Készen vagytok? (plural) / Készen vagy? (singular)
Ready! Kész. / Ok.
Wait, please. Várj, kérlek!

Follow me. Kövess (kövessetek for plural)
Go Menj (menjetek for plural)
Stop Állj
Which way? Merre?
Right Jobbra
Left Balra
Straight Egyenesen
North Északra
South Délre
East Keletre
West Nyugatra
Up Felfelé
Down Lefelé

Let the tank pull. Hadd húzzon a tank.
Don't pull aggro. Ne aggrózd túl! / Ne húzd magadra.
Move! Mozogj! (mozogjatok for plural)
Wait here. Várj itt. (várjatok for plural)
Need heals. Kell heal.

Need Need / szükség
Greed Greed
Need on items you want for any reason. Needelj azokra a dolgokra amiket szeretnél, bármilyen okból.

I need this quest. Kell ez quest / küldetés.
I need to kill [X]. Meg kell ölnöm [X](e)t.
I need to gather [X]. Kell szednem [X](e)t.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Együtt szaladjunk vissza a temetötöl hogy ne vesszünk el. Fussunk a temetőtől, nehogy eltévedjünk.
Would you like to run another? Akarsz még másik instába is menni? Megyünk még egyet?

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Hello Halló
Goodbye Bless
Please Viltu vinsamlegast
Thank you Takk fyrir
No Nei
I don't know. Ég veit ekki

I'll tank. Ég skal tank.
I'll heal. Ég skal heal.
Can you share quests? Geturðu deilt verkefnum?

Ready? Tilbúinn?
Ready! Tilbúinn!
AFK ÍBFL (Í burtu (away) Frá (from) Lyklaborði (keyboard.)
BRB FFÍS (Fer Frá í smá)
Wait, please. Bíðið, vinsamlegast.

Follow me. Eltið mig.
Go Af stað
Stop Stopp
Which way? Í hvora áttina?
Right Hægri
Left Vinstri
Straight Beint
North Norður
South Suður
East Austur
West Vestur
Up Upp
Down niður

Let the tank pull. Leyfið tank að púlla.
Don't pull aggro. Ekki taka aggro.
Move! Færið ykkur! (plural)
Wait here. Bíðið hér (plural)
Need heals. Þarf lækningu.

Need þörf
Greed Græðgi
(Select) Need on items you want for any reason. Veljið þörf á hlutum sem þið þurfið af einhverri ástæðu.

I need this quest. Ég þarf þetta verkefni.
I need to kill [X]. Ég þarf að drepa [X].
I need to gather [X]. Ég þarf að safna [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Við skulum hlaupa til baka frá grafreitnum saman svo að við týnumst ekki.
Would you like to run another? Væruð þið til í að fara í aðra?

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Hello Oi
Goodbye Bai
Please plis
Thank you tenkiu
Yes ya
No nga/bukan
I don't know. Meneketehe/nga tau.

Ready? Siap?
Ready! Siap!
Wait, please. Sabar.
Follow me. Sini ikut gua.
Go Gih
Stop Stop
Which way? Mana nih?
Right kanan
Left kiri
Straight terus
North utara
South selatan
East timur
West barat
Up naik
Down turun
Wait here. Tunggu sini.
Would you like to run another? Yuk lagi yuk?

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Hello Ciao
Goodbye Arrivederci
Please Per favore
Thank you Grazie
Yes Si
No No
I don't know. Non lo so.

I'll tank. Tanko io.
I'll heal. Curo io.
Can you share quests? Sharate le quest plz?
Please turn off Aspect. Togli l'aspect.

Ready? Pronto?
Ready! Pronto!
Wait, please. Un attimo plz.
Follow me. Seguimi (singular); seguitemi (plural)
Go Vai (sing.), andate (plu.)
Stop Stop
Which way? Da che parte?
Right Destra
Left Sinistra
Straight Dritto
North Nord
South Sud
East Est
West Ovest
Up Su
Down Giu

Let the tank pull. Fai pullare il tank (sing.); fate pullare il tank (plu.).
Don't pull aggro. Non aggrate.
Move! Muoviti!
Wait here. Aspettate qui.
Need heals. Mi servono cure.

Need on items you want for any reason. Needate quello che volete.

I need this quest. Ho bisogno di questa quest.
I need to kill [X]. Devo uccidere [X].
I need to gather [X]. Devo raccogliere [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Torniamo assieme dal cimitero, così non ci perdiamo.
Would you like to run another? Facciamo un'altra run? | Vuoi farne un'altra?

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Hello Konichiwa
Goodbye Sayonara
Please Onegai
Thank you Arigato
Yes Hai
No Iie
I don't know. Wakaranai

I'll tank. Watashi ga tank.
I'll heal. Watashi ga healer.
Can you share quests? Quest wo wakete.

Buffs Baafu | Kyouka jumon
Please turn off Aspect. Asupekutto wo keshite kudasai.

Ready? Junbi deketa?
Ready! Junbi yoshi.
AFK Chotto matte
BRB Chotto matte

Wait, please. Chotto matte.
Follow me. Tsuite kite.
Go. Iko.
Stop. Tomare.
Which way? Docchi?
Right Migi
Left Hidari
Straight Masugu
North Kita
South Minami
East Higashi
West Nishi
Up Ue
Down Shita

Let the tank pull. Tank (teenku) ni makasete.
Don't pull aggro. Ki wo tsukete.
Move! Ugoite!
Wait here. Koko de matte te.
Need heals. Healing shite.

Need Hitsuyo
Greed Hoshii
Need on items you want for any reason. Iranai kedo, hoshii.

I need this quest. Kono quest ga hitsuyou.
I need to kill [X]. [X] wo koroshitai.
I need to gather [X]. [X] wo atsumetai.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Issho ni bochi kara ikimashou.| Issho ni karada/shitai he ikou.
Would you like to run another? Mou ikkai?

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Hello An-nyung
Goodbye An-nyung
Please jebal
Thank you Gamsa
Yes Eng
No Ah-ni
I don't know. Mol-ra

I'll tank. Jega tank halggeyo.
I'll heal. jega healer halggeyo.
Can you share quests? Quest gongyoo jom.

Ready? Junbi?
Ready! Ne!
AFK AFK | jari bieum
BRB Jamshi
Wait, please. Jamggan.

Follow me. Ddarawa.
Go. Ga.
Stop. Mumcho.
Which way? Eu ne jjok?
Right Ohrunjjok
Left Euinjjok
Straight Ddokbaro | baro
North Buk jjok
South Nam jjok
East Dong jjok
West Seo jjok
Up Eui
Down Ah re

Let the tank pull. Tankga mobmoseyo.
Don't pull aggro. Aggro mukji mayo.
Move! Oomjikyo.
Wait here. Gidaryo.
Need heals. Heal pillyoheyo.

Need Pillyo
Greed Yokshim
Need on items you want for any reason. Pilyo hange deseyo.

I need this quest. Ee quest pillyo he yo.
I need to kill [X]. [X] jookyoya he yo.
I need to gather [X]. [X] moaya he yo.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Myoji seo bu teo gachi ddui eo yo.
Would you like to run another? Hana deo dollgayo?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Hei
Goodbye Hade
Please Vær så snill
Thank you Takk
Yes Ja
No Nei
I don't know. Jeg vet ikke.

I'll tank. Jeg tanker.
I'll heal. Jeg healer.
Can you share quests? Kan du dele quester?

Buffs Buffs
Please turn off Aspect. Vær så snill å slå av Aspect.

Ready? Klar?
Ready! Klar!
BRB BRB / Straks tilbake
Wait, please. Vent, er dere snill.

Follow me. Følg meg.
Go. Gå.
Stop. Stopp
Which way? Hvilken vei?
Right Høyre
Left Venstre
Straight Rett frem
North Nord
South Sør
East Øst
West Vest
Up Opp
Down Ned

Let the tank pull. La tanken pulle.
Don't pull aggro. Ikke dra aggro.
Move! Flytt deg!
Wait here. Vent her.
Need heals. Trenger heals.

Need Need (Trenger)
Greed Greed (Grådighet)
Need on items you want for any reason. Need på det du vil ha uansett.

I need this quest. Jeg trenger dette questet.
I need to kill [X]. Jeg må drepe [X].
I need to gather [X]. Jeg må plukke opp [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. La oss løpe tilbake sammen, så vi ikke roter oss bort. | La oss løpe fra kirkegården sammen så vi ikke går oss vill.
Would you like to run another? Skal vi ta en til?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Cześć | hej
Goodbye Narazie
Please Proszę
Thank you Dziękuję | dziÄki
Yes Tak
No Nie
I don't know. Nie wiem.

I'll tank. Mogę być tankiem.
I'll heal. Mogę leczyć.
Can you share quests? Podzielisz się questami?

Please turn off Aspect. proszę wyłącz aspekt.

Ready? Gotowy?
Ready! Gotowy!
AFK PK (poza klawiaturą)
BRB ZW (zaraz wracam)
Wait, please. Czekaj, proszę.

Follow me. Za mną.
Go Ruszaj
Stop Stop
Which way? Którędy?
Right Prawo
Left Lewo
Straight Prosto
North Północ
South Południe
East Zachód
West Wschód
Up Góra
Down Dół

Let the tank pull. Daj tankowi atakowaÄ jako.
Don't pull aggro. Nie zabieraj aggro.
Move! Ruszaj!
Wait here. Czekaj tu.
Need heals. Potrzebuję leczenia.

Need Potrzeba
Greed Chciwość
Need on items you want for any reason. Dawaj "potrzebę" na wszystko czeko z jakiegoś powodu potrzebujesz.

I need this quest. Potrzebuję tego questa.
I need to kill [X]. Muszę zabić [x].
I need to gather [X]. Muszę zebrać [x].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Pobiegnijmy z cmentarza razem Åeby siÄ nie pogubiÄ.
Would you like to run another? Chcesz zrobić jeszcze jeden?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Olá | Oi
Goodbye Adeus | Tchau | Falou
Please Por favor
Thank you Obrigado | Valeu
Yes Sim
No Não
I don't know. Eu não sei.

I'll tank. Eu tanko.
I'll heal. Eu healo.
Can you share quests? Pode compartilhar as quests?

Please turn off Aspect. Por favor desliga o Aspecto.

Ready? Preparado? | Pronto?
Ready! Preparado! | Pronto!
AFK AFK | Ausente
BRB BRB | Já volto
Wait, please. Espera por favor.

Follow me. Siga-me | (plu.) Sigam-me | Ma segue
Go. Vai.
Stop. Pára.
Which way? Para que lado? | Qual caminho?
Right Direita
Left Esquerda
Straight Sempre em frente | Reto
North Norte
South Sul
East Leste
West Oeste
Up Para cima
Down Para baixo

Let the tank pull. Deixa o tank puxar.
Don't pull aggro. Não atraia agro | Não cause agro
Mexa-se | (plu.) Mexam-se | Mova
Wait here. Espera aqui | (plu.) Esperem aqui
Need heals. Preciso de heals. | Preciso de cura.

Need on items you want for any reason. Precisem os items que querer por qualquer razão. | Dê need nos itens que voce quer por qualquer motivo.

I need this quest. Preciso desta quest.
I need to kill [X]. Preciso matar [X].
I need to gather [X]. Preciso recolher [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Bora voltar do cemiterio juntos para não nos perdermos. | Vamos correr de volta juntos do cemiterio, assim você não se perde.
Would you like to run another? Querem fazer outra instância? | Vocâ gostaria de mais uma?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Ola
Goodbye Adeus
Please Por favor
Thank you Obrigado (if you're male) | Obrigada (if you're female)
Yes Sim
No Não
I don't know. Eu não sei.

I'll tank. Eu posso Tankar.
I'll heal. Eu posso curar.
Can you share quests? Podes partilhar as quests?

Please turn off Aspect. Por favor desactiva o Aspect.

Ready? Prontos?
Ready! Pronto!
BRB Já volto.
Wait, please. Espera, por favor.

Follow me. Segue-me.
Go. Vamos.
Stop. Para.
Which way? Que caminho?
Right Direita
Left Esquerda
Straight Em frente
North Norte
South Sul
East Este
West Oeste
Up Cima
Down Baixo

Let the tank pull. Deixem o tank puxar.
Don't pull aggro. Cuidado com o aggro.
Move! Siga!
Wait here. Esperem aqui.
Need heals. Curem-me.

Need on items you want for any reason. Façam Need em tudo o que precisarem por qualquer razão que seja.

I need this quest. Preciso desta quest.
I need to kill [X]. Preciso de matar [X].
I need to gather [X]. Preciso de apanhar [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Vamos correr juntos do cemiterio para não nos perdermos.
Would you like to run another? Querem ir a outra dungeon?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Salut
Goodbye Pa
Please Te rog
Thank you Multumesc
Yes Da
No Nu
I don't know Nu stiu

I'll tank. Eu o sa tankez.
I'll heal. Eu o sa healez.
Can you share quests? Poti sa dai share la questuri?

Ready? Pregatiti?
Wait, please. Asteapta, te rog.
Follow me. Vino dupa mine.
Go. Du-te.
Stop Stop
Which way? Incotro?
Right Dreapta
Left Stanga
Straight Drept
North Nord
South Sud
East Est
West Vest
Up Sus
Down Jos

Let the tank pull. Lasa pe tank sa ii adune.
Don't pull aggro. Nu lua aggro.
Wait here. Stai aici.
Need heals. Am nevoie de healuri.

Need on items you want for any reason. Da need pe orice item de care ai nevoie.

I need this quest. Am nevoie de acest quest.
I need to kill [X].
Trebuie sa omor pe [X].
I need to gather [X]. Trebuie sa culeg [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Hai sa mergem impreuna de la cimitir ca sa nu ne pierdem.
Would you like to run another? Mai vrei sa facem un/o instanta?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Hola
Goodbye Adios
Please Por favor
Thank you Gracias
No No
I don't know. No lo sé.

I'll tank. Yo sere el tanque.
I'll heal. Yo curare.
Can you share quests? Pueden compartir misiones?

Please turn off Aspect. Por favor apaga el aspecto.

Ready? Listos?
Ready! Listo!
AFK Lejos del Teclado
BRB Vuelvo
Wait, please. Esperen, por favor.

Follow me. Siganme.
Go. Vayan.
Stop. Alto | Détente
Which way? Por donde?
Right Derecha
Left Izquierda
Straight Derecho
North Norte
South Sur
East Este
West Oeste
Up Arriba
Down Abajo

Let the tank pull. Deja que el tanque jale.
Don't pull aggro. No jales aggro.
Move! ¡Muévete!
Wait here. Espera | Esperen aqui.
Need heals. Necesitamos que curen.
Heal me. Curame.

Need Necesita
Greed Codicia
Need on items you want for any reason. Necesiten items que quieren por cualquier razon.

I need this quest. Necesito esta quest/mision.
I need to kill [X]. Necesito matar [X].
I need to gather [X]. Necesito colectar [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Corramos juntos desdel el cementerio para no perdernos.
Would you like to run another? Les gustaria correr otra instancia?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Hallå |Hej
Goodbye Hejdå
Thank you Tack
Yes Ja
No Nej
I don't know. Jag vet inte.

I'll tank. Jag tankar.
I'll heal. Jag helar.
Please turn off Aspect. Stäng av din Aspekt, tack.

Ready? Redo?
Ready! Redo!
Wait, please. Vänta lite, tack.

Follow me. Följ mig.
Go. Kör.
Stop. Stopp.
Which way? Vilket håll?
Right Höger
Left Vänster
Straight Rakt
North Nord
South Syd
East Öst
West Väst
Up Upp
Down Ner

Let the tank pull. Låt tanken dra.
Don't pull aggro. Dra inte aggro.
Move! Rör på dig! | Akta!
Wait here. Vänta här.
Need heals. Behöver helning.

Need Need | Behov
Greed Greed | Girighet
Need on items you want for any reason. Needa på saker du vill ha oavsett varför.

I need this quest. Jag behöver den här questen.
I need to kill [X]. Jag behöver döda [X].
I need to gather [X]. Jag behöver samla [X].
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Låt oss springa tillbaka från kyrkogården [or "graveyarden"] tillsammans så vi inte går vilse.
Would you like to run another? Vill du/ni (single/plural) köra en till?

<-- Back to the index


Hello Merhaba
Goodbye Gule Gule or Allahismarlidik
Please Lutfen
Thank you Sagol
Yes Evet
No Hayir
I don't know. Bilemiyorum

Ready? Hazirmisiniz?
BRB Donuyorum
Wait, please. Bir dakika

Follow me Takip et
Go Basla
Stop Dur
Which way? Nereye?
Right Sag
Left Sol
Straight Ileri
North Kuzey
South Guney
East Dogu
West Bati
Up Yukari
Down Ashigi

Move! Git!
Wait here. Bekle burada

I need to kill [X]. X'i oldurmeyi lazim.
I need to gather [X]. X'i toplamayi lazim.
Let's run back from the graveyard together so we don't get lost. Beraber mezarlik'tan gidermeliyiz ki kaybolmayaliz.
Would you like to run another? Bi'daha?

<-- Back to the index