
One Shots: Always someone bigger than you

Just when you thought it was safe to head into Age of Conan's new expansion, Rise of the Godslayer... It appears that, while exploring exotic locales in Khitai and working toward all those beautiful new armors, you run the very real chance of becoming toejam. We might have hoped that today's One Shots contributor, Dits, had some friends with him. Alternatively, running the opposite direction seems like it would have been a wise choice as well. But, no. It appears that Dits had a different idea, as he wrote a note in to explain his reaction to this situation: "O hai there." We wonder how that worked for him.

If you like to write silly notes about screenshots from your character's point of view, we'd love to showcase them. Snap a screenshot and email it to us here at along with your name, the tale, and the name of the game. You never know -- that image could be one of the next ones featured here on Massively!