
Sony's new e-readers pictured, last one-third longer on a charge?

We'd heard Sony was wrangling up a bunch of new Readers, and it looks like here they are -- a pair of familiar-looking e-readers with a distinctly different UI. If these legit-looking images are the real deal, you'll be getting a good bit more for your buck -- especially with the Reader Pocket Edition, which apparently finally managed to ditch the directional pad for a lovely E Ink touchscreen. We won't list all the improvements here, as you can obviously read them for yourself in the image immediately above, but our tipster confirms the new Pocket Edition will have a 5-inch display and the Touch Edition a six-incher, though he reportedly hasn't heard a word about 3G connectivity for either model. 2,500 extra page turns and a thinner, faster screen ain't nothing to sneeze at, but when Sony said it would compete on quality, we have to admit we began hoping for a wee bit more. Spot another picture after the break.