
One Shots: Smokescreen

Bored and not sure what to do? Well, if you're anything like Soulbreeze from the Pink Cupcake Brigade guild on Lightninghoof in World of Warcraft, you could always use that hard-earned knowledge of tradeskills to royally screw with the opposite faction. There again, you could mess with your own just for the fun of it! Today's One Shots shows off one such prank recently perpetrated by Soulbreeze, who writes in to explain the scene: "I have found the ultimate cure for in-game boredom in World of Warcraft: smoke flares! Usually I'll hassle the opposite faction's side of Dalaran with curtains of smoke flares, but this display is set up on the horde side. It requires engineering to make flares, but anyone can use them!" If you see these start popping up all over the place on your server, you'll know who started it!

Do you like pulling off pranks against the opposite faction -- or on your friends? If you've got a good prank planned, snap a screenshot of the ensuing aftermath and send it in to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a note about what happened! It could wind up being the next image we feature here on Massively.