
Google Translate for iOS adds iPad support

The Google Translate app (free) has become a universal app, adding support for the iPad. Unfortunately, it appears that the only real change to the app was to scale up the user interface elements to fit the larger screen of the iPad, but based on prior experiences with the app on the iPhone it should be a very useful piece of software.

The app does quite an amazing job of translating text between 63 different languages, literally everything from Afrikaans to Yiddish. For 17 of those languages, you don't even have to type in the text -- you can speak it, and Google Translate makes quick work of converting your speech to text and then translating it. For 24 of the languages, the translations can be spoken aloud.

Favorite translations and your history can be set up for quick access when the iPad is offline, perfect for setting up a list of translated phrases for use while traveling in a foreign country. It's also possible to display translations on a full screen so other can easily read what you're saying or asking.

The universal update became available today.