
Seen@GDC Europe: How information flow has changed

SeenGDC Europe How media flow has changed

In a GDC Europe session about the changing relationship between customers, publishers and media, Boris Schneider-Johne presented some interesting "then and now" slides. Schneider-Johne's 30-year career, which spans journalism to marketing, gives him the long view of the video game industry's information structure changes.

In the first slide (pictured above), Schneider-Johne took the classic flow of interaction between the various actors in the video game industry in the pre-internet era. After the break, you can find the modern version, which he eventually gave up on because it's so convoluted.

If you're ever wondering how/why messaging and interactions get so off-track nowadays, just go ahead and reference that second slide in the future.

SeenGDC Europe How media flow has changed