
Nokia declares 'Announce a Tablet Day,' rubs elbows with Apple while teasing Samsung

While Apple's announcement of two new iPhones in September prompted the company's key competitors to launch tongue-in-cheek "attacks" on Twitter, today's iPad reveal hasn't had the same effect. In fact, rather than jump at the chance to poke fun at Apple, Nokia -- who just announced its new consumer tablet today as well -- used the opportunity to make friends with Apple the best way they know how: By attacking arch rival Samsung.

In a tweet by Nokia's primary Twitter account, the company declares today "Announce a Tablet Day," and suggests that Samsung isn't on the same page as Nokia and Apple. The company even went so far as to photoshop a parking lot with spots for Apple and Nokia taken, but Samsung left embarrassingly bare. It's an interesting tactic, though whether it helps prompt any interest in Windows tablets remains to be seen.