
Eyes-on with Tobii's eye-tracking tech in Deus Ex

Engadget is deep into CES 2014, getting its hands on the latest tech whosimwutzits, including some eye-tracking software for games from Tobii. The EyeX middleware allows developers to combine eye controls with your standard mouse and keyboard or gamepad interface. For the eyes-guided demo, Engadget got to try out Deus Ex: Human Revolution with less than impressive results.

"Our demo was a bit rough, given that the game was running at a startlingly low frame rate for some reason, and the device hadn't been calibrated to our eyeballs due to time constraints," noted Engadget. "In practice, the menu selection was the smoothest and most accurate implementation, while the character movements were far less reliable – they worked in about two out of three attempts."

A video of the site's experience can be found after the break.