
Report: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes campaign completed in two hours

If you're expecting Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes to eat up time ahead of The Phantom Pain, you may be out of luck. In this month's issue, a Game Informer preview noted the standalone prologue's main campaign was completed in "just less than two hours."

"How quickly it takes to complete the main mission and explore the camp is up to the player," the preview said, "but the extra missions give the game a little more replayability."

You can find the full preview in this month's Game Informer, which goes into the side stuff available in the game's open world. That said, Ground Zeroes commands at best a $20 price tag for the downloadable Xbox 360 and PS3 version. If you want to get a physical copy on PS4 or Xbox One, you'll have to stump up $40 - we've got the full pricing details here.

Longevity lovers may look to The Phantom Pain, which series creator Hideo Kojima said has a map "hundreds of times larger" than the one in Ground Zeroes. We'd rather play Ground Zeroes ourselves before commenting - who knows how good those two hours are? Every Snake and his dog will be able to do just that when the game launches on March 18.

[Image: Konami]