
Save to Pocket and Evernote from your inbox with CloudMagic's Cards

Try as we might, we just can't escape email. Apple, Google, Microsoft and others have tried to do more with our messages, but only recently have we seen apps and services try to provide better context on their contents. With its latest update, CloudMagic, a free iOS and Android email app we've recommended in the past, has included new feature that ignores your need to reach Inbox Zero and focuses on extracting all of the important data in your email so that you can actually do something with it. To do this, it uses "Cards", workflows that connect to popular online services like Pocket, Evernote and Trello and allow you to save to-do lists, notes and web links without leaving the comfort of your inbox.

CloudMagic's Cards are loaded by double-tapping on an open email message or by hitting a small icon located next to a sender's name. Right now, it features a number of business-centric services like Salesforce, Zendesk and Mailchimp, but the app's creators have opened Cards to all and are actively working with developers to support more tools like Evernote and Pocket in the future. While Google's Gmail app provides similar hooks, if you don't want to be part of its ecosystem, you're out of luck. CloudMagic sidesteps the issue by including support for Google, Exchange, Outlook, iCloud and other email services while using its own cloud algorithms to make your emails easier to find. CloudMagic's updated apps are available via the App Store and Google Play, you can find them by using the links below.