
WoW Moviewatch: Ganking in a Nutshell

Ganking in a Nutshell is the latest release from Nixxiom Machinima, and tells the relatively straightforward story of what goes on between ganker and gank-ee in a typical ganking encounter. On its own, that might not sound like much, but what I love about this particular piece is that the new male tauren model is highlighted so effectively here. You almost have to stop and watch it again, because the difference between old and new is so, so pronounced -- expression and emotion are conveyed so much more effectively that I kind of hope we see a lot more tauren movies in the future.

Beyond that is Mr. Flowers, who manages to effectively hammer home the reason I never, ever use the Singing Sunflower for anything. I'm not saying he's creepy ... wait. Yes. Yes I am. He's one of the creepiest pets out there. If you like the movie, be sure to check out Nixxiom's Youtube channel to see more.

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