
Parents can call their kids directly on this smartwatch in Japan

ZTE says mamorino is the 'world's first VoLTE kid's watch.'

You only need to look at these mamorino watches once to know they're for kids. What might surprise you, though, is that they come with a pretty nice feature, especially for parents of children who tend to lose their phones: VoLTE. Yes, parents can call (or text) their children directly on this watch, which sounds fun to be honest. Which kid doesn't like pretending to be a spy or a high-tech, gadget-loving superhero that takes calls on his/her wrist?

The mamorino also has a touchscreen display and voice control capabilities that make them fun to use. But like any other device for children, it has parental management features the more independent kids might not like. Parents can track their children through the watch thanks to its GPS, so long as they connect to it with its accompanying mobile app. Plus, it alerts kids if they're still out past their curfew. That said, parents in the US will have to find alternatives. This device, created by Chinese manufacturer ZTE, will only be available in Japan via local carrier KDDI when it comes out in March.