
The Best Google Easter Eggs!

When Google first comes to mind, more than likely you will picture a professional conglomerate that only jokes once every three years. While this is true, there are still a ton of software developers that likes to have fun from time to time and leave there own personal touches. Who knows what the CEO of Google probably might think about these playful messages hidden deep inside Google's code. It brings a human value to the Google team. Along with that, they are extremely well hidden ,so finding them are ten times as fun.

Apparently one of Google's employees like Lord Of The Rings, so much that they had to incorporate it inside of Maps. If you use Google Maps and type in "The "The Shire" to "Modor" you will get a helpful warning stating "Use caution - One does not simply walk into Modor." The Shire and Modor locations are just two random spots in the world. If you don't get the reference, The Shire and Modor are to relevant location located in the LOTR universe.

2.Google Zero Gravity- zero gravity!

Google gravity is simple google trick to give the screen a life. It rejuvenates our eyes. All the options and bars in default search screen of Google come down as Google gravity pulls all of those down . Google Zero Gravity is one of the funniest tricks in Google Gravity list. Trying Google gravity makes the search screen a virtual space with no gravitational force at all. If you select an "option" and flick that aside, that will be there till you pick that again.

screen a virtual space with no gravitational force at all. If you select an "option" and flick that aside, that will be there till you pick that again.

We all remember when the homepage for boasted a detailed PacMan game for their homepage. So many people fell in love with that game and hell till this day many still play. Just type in Google Pacman and you will be able to play Pacman on the Google web browser.

4. Snake !
The most well known Google Easter Egg of all time. The Youtube snake Easter Egg is extremely well known is probably the most popular internet related Easter egg ever. To get this going just move your arrow keys when a video is paused or buffering ,and you will be playing a fully functional Snake game on Youtube. No need to explain more on this ,because, you probably have heard of it before.

These are just a few of the amazing Easter Eggs that are hidden throughout Google's million of lines of code. But these are in my opinion some of the best and most creative Easter Eggs that are in