

  • Your favorite WoW Insider posts this month

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    By a show of hands (and by hands we mean clicks), you've voted on your favorite posts on WoW Insider for the month of March. Here's the list of the top trafficked posts this month: In Death and Taxes, pallies heal and priests DPS (vampiric embrace FTW!) Who can resist delicious Hordecake? Leaked 2.1.0 patch notes? (zomg FAKE!) Food on the flying mount wing (warning: cute cat video enclosed) Tier 6 names and bonuses -- 'cuz we all want the Professor Plums. Use the Armory to find WoW's worst player because they're sure to make your sorry ass look halfway decent. Blue Notes: Seduction, Pet Health, and Old Hillsbrad -- because "seduction" is always a popular search term. Instance griefing not against the ToS? -- a) we don't need Blizzard to tell us that PuGs suck; b) couldn't there be a more elegant solution to this? Leveling build for a Retribution Paladin -- because Retnoobs need love too. Armory + Signature Generator = AWESOME! (note that the original server was crushed by the teeming hordes (see what we did there?) clogging the intertubes, but the original URL will redirect you to the new signature generator). And to level our fishing skills -- any other posts from this month you particularly enjoyed that you wouldn't want your WoW-loving comrades to miss?