

  • PSA: Pottermore is no longer colloportus, open to muggles and magicians alike

    James Trew
    James Trew

    It's been a waitus longissimus, but finally Pottermore has raised the portcullis to the rest of us muggles. You can sign up right now, after which you'll be allocated to your respective Hogwarts house, but it might take a few more days before you're fully initiated into the hallowed halls proper. Just don't tell Voldemort.[Thanks Daniel]

  • Pottermore departing beta from platform nine (and three quarters) in April

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    The digital exploits of Little Whinging's most famous lightning-scarred resident is belatedly exiting beta next month. The six-month delay was prompted because the server platform couldn't handle the load of the million pottermaniacs who had early access. This led to the team behind the site summoning up a whole new backbone without the aid of accio. As well as the audio and e-book versions of the seven novels, the site's general opening will herald a fiery goblet of exclusive content, features and sounds. It'll be open to everyone, unless of course, you've tasted the blood of a unicorn -- then the only thing you can look forward to is being condemned to a half-life, a cursed life.

  • OMG! Tabula Rasa is dead!

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Does that title sound familiar? It's almost like we've heard it before in various contexts. PC Gaming is dead! MMOs are dead! Single-player games are dead! Dumbledore is dead! Whoops. Sorry about that last one, it just slipped out.In a recent article at Eurogamer, they re-reviewed Tabula Rasa and proclaimed it more of an autopsy than a re-review. The article is very well-written, and makes a thorough point of comparing the current state of Tabula Rasa with an episode of CSI. Most of the problems they have stem from lack of end-game content and a crafting system, which are basically the same things we've heard for the last 6 months. They may have a point there. But whether you share the opinion of doom and gloom, or you're a dedicated fanboi, this article is certainly worth a read.