

  • Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War series

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Microsoft Studios has purchased the rights to the Gears of War franchise from Epic Games, Microsoft announced. The publisher will take over all existing and future games in the series, and will hand development of future games over to Vancouver, BC developer Black Tusk Studios. Formerly Microsoft Vancouver, Black Tusk was said to be working on a new AAA game for Xbox One as of June 2013. Rod Fergusson, former Director of Production at Epic Games on the Gears of War franchise, is joining Microsoft and will play a "key studio leadership role" at Black Tusk. The last time we heard from Fergusson he was launching a new studio for 2K in the Bay Area; it would appear that relationship didn't work out. Each entry in the four-game Gears of War series was published by Microsoft since its introduction in November 2006. The last Epic-developed game in the series was Gears of War: Judgment, which launched in March 2013.

  • Free for All: The continued standardization of selling power

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Selling power is a much quieter controversy than it used to be. I've been in gaming long enough to remember when selling anything desirable at all was taboo. At the same time, it's always been OK to sell some things like subscriptions or special boxed editions, proving that MMO gamers and others are brilliant at segmenting their rage. If it's a cool, special box with a neat virtual item inside, it somehow does not fall under the same umbrella as selling powerful, useful items in game. I think it does. But geeks in general are good at justifying poor behavior if they get what they want; just ask the hackers and file-swappers. Still, it doesn't matter how we feel about selling power because the industry is already moving in the direction of selling power, lots of power. EA recently announced that every title it produces from now on will feature microtransactions. While that doesn't guarantee the sale of powerful items, I can promise that it will include some. This train ain't stopping. Sure, the console community seems a bit late to the party when it comes to the power-selling controversy, but that's likely because of MMOs' always-on multiplayer mode.

  • Pre-order Gears of War: Judgment at Walmart, get Gears 2 or 3 for free

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Those who purchase Gears of War: Judgment will score a copy of the original Gears of War gratis, this much we know; however, Walmart is further sweetening the deal for those who pre-order through the retailer by offering Gears of War 2 or Gears of War 3 free as well.If you're on the fence, a public demo of the new OverRun mode will be made available to Xbox Live Gold subscribers on March 19, but that just so happens to also be the launch date for Gears of War: Judgment – so that won't be much help for your decision. If you want to score the additional two free games and included Classic Hammerburst skin from Walmart, you're going to have to pre-order before then.

  • Gears of War franchise surpasses 19 million sales

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    The Gears of War franchise has boomed to over 19 million sales, up a further million from the last figure disclosed back in July. Microsoft revealed the new milestone to us today.The publisher wouldn't confirm Gears of War 3's sales figures to us, but we know the game surpassed 3 million in its first week at retail. Back in June 2011, former Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski told IndustryGamers the Gears 3 sales target was "definitely over 6 million," with the interview noting Gears 1 & 2 combined sales being over 12 million. This is only speculation, but today's reveal suggests Gears 3 is nearing if not already over its target.

  • 10-year anniversary Xbox 360 bundle found on Amazon France

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    "But wait," you might be thinking. "The original Xbox launched on November 15, 2001. The tenth anniversary was last year, why come out with a 10-year anniversary bundle now? What's the deal? Oh my God, can you hear this? Quit listening to my thoughts! Get out of my head!!"Whoa, chill dude! The American launch was in 2001, but the console's European debut didn't happen until three months later in 2002, hence the 10-year anniversary bundle showing up on Amazon France in 2012. The €280.00 ($375.50) package comes with a 250-gb Xbox 360, two wireless controllers, a boxed copy of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, digital versions of Halo: Reach, Gears of War 2 and Fable 3, as well as a 3-month Xbox Live Gold membership card.The bundle is set to ship on March 9, and while we appreciate the sentiment and everything, we can't help but feel like a 360 reproduction of this might have been a more touching tribute. Make it happen, Microsoft. We'll give you money.

  • MMObility: Glitch makes you wish you were as cool as it is

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    If you have kept up with my columns for a while, you know what a fan of Glitch I am. I have to admit that I've been terribly angry at the developer, Tiny Speck, for not bringing the game into a final phase yet. I wanted my little Glitch to stay as he was when I logged out; I didn't want to see him wiped over and over again after those pesky tests that help assure quality and playability. So I've been avoiding the testing phase for the most part. Isn't that just a perfect example of how mania drives gamers? We will do anything to avoid playing a favorite upcoming game for fear of becoming attached to our little digital selves or spoiling the fun of discovering new quests. Well, we'll wait no more! As of today, the game and world is finally open to anyone. That means you get to jump in, nibble pigs, massage butterflies, collect random items you find on the floor, and generally exist in the imagination of a giant. Sounds cool? It is cool. In fact, I need to explain just how cool it is. Click past the cut!

  • PSA: Canadian 250GB Xbox 360 bundle with 5 games now available

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Do you come from the school of thought that equates "free stuff" with "money saved"? Is a $20 gift card as good as $20 off? Did you buy that useless robotic vacuum dog because it was so steeply discounted you'd practically lose money not buying it? We understand your plight, friend. And if you're Canadian, we think we've got a deal for you. News broke yesterday that our gentle neighbors to the north would be alone in getting the above limited edition Xbox 360 bundle which, while still $300, manages to throw enough free stuff in there that we're actively considering a pricey Canadian road trip –-- we'd practically lose money if we didn't buy it! Your $300 nets you a 250GB Xbox 360 S console, and full game downloads of Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Fable 3, Halo Wars, and the excellent Alan Wake. And, beginning today, it's available at Canadian retailers like Future Shop and Best Buy. It's not a price cut, but who needs cash off when you could get that much free stuff? [Thanks, MakoXL.]

  • Xbox 250GB bundle throws in Alan Wake, Gears 2, and 3 more [update: Canada only]

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Reader Darren Christie tweeted a rather official-looking image of a new Xbox 360 bundle. According to the picture, taken at the Future Shop store in which Christie works, the new package includes a 250GB Xbox 360 console and download codes for five of its biggest games: Alan Wake, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Fable 3, and Gears of War 2. In addition to being big in terms of profile, they're also big in terms of file size, with the box warning that these games will occupy 29.51 GB on the hard drive. Christie told us that the bundle will be released tomorrow for $299.99. He is located in Canada, so it's possible this hardware package is a Canadian-only promotion. We've checked in with Microsoft to get the details. Just to be safe, maybe you should wait a day or so before buying an Xbox. Update: Shacknews received confirmation from Microsoft that this bundle is exclusive to Canada, out tomorrow, and available for a limited time.

  • Experience 21x XP during Gears 2's 4th of July weekend

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    We have a sneaking suspicion that Epic Games' Joe Graf may actually be a real-life hobbit in disguise, because he's giving everyone else presents on his birthday. In celebration of his 42 years of being alive (as well as that whole American freedom thing), Epic Games has turned Gears of War 2's XP knob all the way up to 21-times-normal from now until 9 A.M. EDT on July 5th. The game has also been tweaked to provide 4-times the normal amount of ammunition for the Hammer of Dawn, as well as the mortar, so those without fireworks can have almost as much fun blowing things up in their living rooms over the holiday weekend. Virtual things, we mean ... let's not nuke the coffee table, alright?

  • Buy Bulletstorm, get Gears of War triple pack for $5 at Best Buy

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    As if you needed more incentive to pick up Bulletstorm outside of the Gears of War 3 beta inclusion (and, you know, all of the dick-scaring you crave), Best Buy is offering a special deal: the Gears of War triple pack for $5. It's $15 off the usual asking price, only when buying People Can Fly's private parts pounder. The Gears of War triple pack comes bundled with Gears of War, Gears of War 2 and the All Fronts DLC collection. Caveat: the items may ship separately, so you may not receive both at the same time.

  • Gears of War Triple Pack hits retail on Feb. 15

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    A previously rumored bundle containing the first two Gears of War games is now official and headed to retail, several months before the debut of Gears of War 3. The Gears of War Triple Pack includes the brotastic original game and its sequel, along with the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Pack. On top of the 19 multiplayer maps in All Fronts, it has Marcus and Dom playing dress-up to get into the biggest Locust party of the year in the single-player DLC, "Road to Ruin." This doesn't mean that everything is on the disc, however. The fine print notes that maps from Gears' Multiplayer Map Pack 1 and "Hidden Fronts" map pack are not on the disc, but are available from Xbox Live at no charge. The $30 bundle will be available on February 15, perfect for a post-Valentines Day massacre.

  • 'Gears of War Ultimate' coming in February for $30, retail listing says

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Gears of War franchise is no stranger to re-releases, having "Platinum" and "Game of the Year" collections across its two titles so far. However, it appears Microsoft is planning one more re-release, tentatively titled Gears of War Ultimate, according to a GameStop listing spotted by IGN. Pegged with a February 15th date, Ultimate has a $29.99 price tag. Although the listing has since been removed, a Microsoft representative confirmed plans for a "forthcoming bundle SKU," suggesting that Ultimate is, at the very least, a compilation of the two Gears of War games. Don't expect to see any Gears of War 3-related content, though. The representative confirmed "it will not involve Gears of War 3 or the beta." You'll have to pick up Bulletstorm instead if you want entry into the beta.

  • Gears of War 3 maps will be brighter, thanks to Gears 2 data

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Gears of War 3 senior gameplay designer, Lee Perry, has revealed a surprising trend in the gameplay habits of Gears-heads. He told OXM UK that the most-played Gears 2 maps have one thing in common: They're bright. "You can almost rank how much [maps are] played by how bright they are," Perry told OXM. "The darker, dreary, more depressing maps tend to be on the bottom." Hmm, maybe if they weren't so dreary or depressing? Perry said this knowledge has served Epic well in developing next April's holiday's Gears 3. The third installment sports a new lighting model, which has helped in the creation of brighter maps. "Even the maps that are 'dark,' they're 'movie dark,'" he explained. "It just means they're more blue than dark." You know, blue can still be pretty darned dreary and depressing -- just saying! Additionally, comments from lead multiplayer level designer Jim Brown suggest Gears 3 might rethink how it presents downloadable maps to users. The Gears of War 2 Flashback map pack, bundled with all new copies of that game at launch, was downloaded by less than 30 percent of the people who played the game -- a figure that puzzles Brown. "It was free, in the box, they just never bothered to do it," he said. "Is it a matter of accessibility? Is it people don't like typing in a 16-digit code? What's the reason?" We'll posit that it was actually because most people never took the manual out of the case.

  • PSA: Gears of War 2 multiplayer treating 31 times XP this weekend

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Want a really nice Halloween treat, Gears of War 2 multiplayer buffs? Epic Games and Microsoft have ratcheted up the XP bonus by 31 times, the only trick being that you must play beginning today (October 29) through Monday, November 1, in order to reap the rewards of their generosity.

  • Gears of War 2 bonus XP weekend requires some long division

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Gears of War 2 executive producer Rod Fergusson recently revealed on Twitter that folks who play the shooter's multiplayer component over Labor Day weekend will be treated to a little something special. Yes, Epic is rewarding players with yet another extended weekend of bonus XP -- though this time, the value of the multiplier is being determined in a decidedly sinister manner. Fergusson revealed that the number of people who Like the official Gears of War page on Facebook will be divided by 1,000 to determine the XP multiplier over Labor Day weekend. At the time of this writing, that figure is sitting at a little over 14,800 users, which should result in a hefty experience boost. Of course, taking the planet's current population into account, you could easily bump that multiplier up to 6.8 million times the standard XP rate, provided you're willing to do a great deal of word-spreading. [Thanks, Richard!]

  • Gears of War 2 XP bonus driven by Twitter

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Epic is planning an extra XP event for Gears of War 2 that will coincide with next week's San Diego Comic-Con, tied to producer Rod Fergusson's Twitter account -- and designed to promote it, of course. The more followers he gets, the more XP gamers can earn during the upcoming event. It's the second massive XP handout the game has received over the last few weeks, the previous being the title's big July 4 promotion event. It's no surprise: with the game's flagging community, online woes and stiff competition, Epic's needed to come up with something to get players back. [Thanks, Chris]

  • Gears of War 2 title update adds 'social matches,' DLC price drops

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Perhaps in an effort to get the Gears of War franchise back at the front of your mind meat before the third iteration arrives next year, Microsoft is trying a two-pronged effort to lure fans back to GoW 2. The first, Title Update 6, adds a feature called "Social Matches" which allows individual players or parties to drop in or out of ongoing games (yep, even Horde mode matches) without interruption. But you knew that already, right? The only catch is that you can only use social matching if you own all of the game's map packs which have luckily been slashed to $10 for the lot of them (that's the second prong, by the way). Individual prices have been cut as well. Other balancing and fixes implemented by Title Update 6 (a full list of which is available right here) will be available to all players. To mark the occasion, players will get triple experience gain from May 27 to June 1, which we guess is technically a third prong. Yep, that's right: We've got a rare promotional trident on our hands.

  • New Gears, BioShock 2 toys coming exclusively to Comic-Con

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Worried you'd never get a collectible based on Gears of War comic character Jace Stratton, a gentleman who has yet to put any face time into an actual Gears of War game series? Well quit it, worrywort! (You're only hurting yourself.) NECA recently told Toy News International that it'll be bringing Stratton -- and several BioShock 2 figures -- to the upcoming 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International for sale in limited quantities. We'd love to tell you more about the BioShock 2 figures, but we're not trying to ruin the end of the game for those of you who might still be wary of spoilers. You can have a look for yourself right here. [Via Kotaku]

  • Epic: Gears of War 2 Title Update 6 is 'about a week' away

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Epic has posted the Title Update 6 patch notes for Gears of War 2 and the biggest bullet point has to be the ability to join matches in progress. Not only can players now join Horde matches mid-game, the update adds a new Social Xbox Live playlist which lets players join matches in progress and doesn't penalize those who quit early -- but it's only available to those who have all of the DLC. The new Social list also bypasses matchmaking screens and cycles to the next map immediately following the conclusion of the current match, cutting down on the time spent in menus. The update addresses certain exploits, such as the ability to get out of the map on Subway and Blood Drive, and also improves the pellet grouping on the Gnasher shotgun "to increase hit consistency." Rod Fergusson, senior producer on Gears, says players can look forward to downloading the update in "about a week." We'll let you know when it's live. [Thanks, Dusty] Source - Title Update 6 patch notes Source - Fergusson says update is around a week away

  • The Gears of War story in 5 minutes

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Gears of War 3 is only a year away so it's, like, totally imperative to brush up on the story thus far. IGN has compiled a little video feature that compresses all the twists and turns of Gears' epic story into five minutes. Obviously, the recap is full of spoilers, so it's probably best not to watch it unless you've played the first two games. Haven't played the first two Gears yet? Well, it's possible to pick up both for $50 or less. They're good games, we promise -- and there's still plenty of time to casually grind through them before the sequel emerges. For those who just want the quick recap fix, that's available after the break.