

  • Snakes on a Plane star promotes PSP

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The gripping story of ophidiophobia in the sky has propelled Snakes on a Plane star Kenan Thompson into the spotlight. Throughout most of the film, he's seen playing the PSP. But what game has him so engrossed? An interview at Yahoo reveals all: "I was playing NBA Street Showdown on the PSP during filming. I was playing it a whole lot and I was getting really good at it." The PSP was not included in Kenan's contract: "I had to give it back after we finished filming, but I had my own, so I wasn't tripping." Kenan thinks the PSP's one of the best handhelds around, due to its multiple capabilities: "You put it in your car and it turns into an MP3 player. It's crazy." Of course, more amazing than the PSP being in Snakes on a Plane is knowing that Samuel L. Jackson plays the system as well: "Sam Jackson loves video games. I think I might have caught him playing my PSP a couple of times on set. He's a cool dude like that." Awesome!Read the rest of the interview to find out more on a potential sequel to the movie (Lizards on the Backs of Llamas on a Boat) and what he thinks about the DS and the Brain Age games ("I felt stupid the first time I played it").

  • PSP on Snakes on a Plane

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    There are motherf--in' PSPs on this motherf--in' plane filled with motherf--in' snakes.Okay, admit it: you're secretly part of the phenomenon. You've probably spent days Photoshopping funny snakes and plane-related posters, and you've spent hours blogging about it. Well, the day of reckoning is here: the Snakes on a Plane movie is finally out. Our sister site, DS Fanboy, has some interesting video game-related snippets from the film:Kenan Thompson's character Troy is shown throughout the movie as a video game He sports a black PSP model, yelling and screaming at the machine. Later, in a brief shot, an eight year-old is shown occupying himself idly with a (phat) Nintendo DS.Good Burger-star and SNL regular Kenan's love of the PSP shows how at least in the public image battle, the PSP is a long way ahead of the PSP: Nintendo and the DS, for better or worse, is still "t3h k1ddy."Okay, that's the end of this incredible non-news story. Like my DS Fanboy colleague, this really was nothing more than a thinly veiled way for us to bring up the movie. The movie's out now, and is rated R for Retarded Restricted Audiences.