

  • Know Your Lore: Malfurion Stormrage

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    The people have spoken, and they've said they want to hear more about Alliance heroes that don't turn evil. So today, we're featuring an Alliance-side ruler who's nicer than 50-percent-off Peeps the day after Easter, despite his troublesome brother. Meet Malfurion Stormrage, the first night elf druid and the Jimmy Carter of Azeroth. Who: Malfurion Stormrage, aka Furion, aka Shan'do (honored teacher) Stormrage. What: Night elf through and through, baby. History: Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage were fairly happy, carefree young night elves, or younger night elves, or however you refer to immortal races. They enjoyed hanging out with their close friend Tyrande Whisperwind. As the trio grew older, they had to choose their paths in life. Malfurion and Illidan went to study the druidic magics under the demigod Cenarius, while Tyrande joined the priesthood of the Sisters of Elune. Illidan soon "failed out" of Cenarius's teachings and decided to study arcane magic instead, but Malfurion proved to be really good at druidism and became a noted scholar. During his studies, Malfurion noted that Queen Azshara was becoming secretive and elusive. He saw in the Emerald Dream (the dreamstate of the Green Dragonflight) that the night elves' use of magic would lead them to destruction, which turned out to be correct. The evil titan Sargeras had noticed that the elves were messing around with powerful magics in the Well of Eternity, and corrupted the Highborne and their Queen, Azshara. It was time for the War of the Ancients!