

  • Breakfast topic: The best parts of patch 2.4

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Good morning, and welcome to the second day of the rest of your life. For better or for worse, patch 2.4 has gone live. I must say that progressive testing has made it a pretty wild ride. I look forward to the weekend when I'll have more time to explore the changes. We've all had time to read the notes and tinker around with the new changes. My plan for the day was to check out the notes and then head on in the battlegrounds. I must admit that I didn't get a chance to try out the new Warsong Gulch. I'm sure I'll get to it soon once the queue settles down. I did get a chance to arena, and that queue was popping incredibly fast.Apparently Bornakk spoke the truth about queue relief.

  • An optimists roundup: Things I'm excited about in Patch 2.4

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Every new patch to World of Warcraft brings buffs, nerfs, new content, and sweeping changes. The game has evolved tremendously from when I first started playing two years ago. I was thrilled with Hunter changes and leveling tweaking in patch 2.3. Sure there are plenty of things to be unhappy about, but I'm a "glass is half full" kind of girl. Read on for a roundup of the top ten changes I'm most excited about.