

  • Odd Tales

    ‘The Last Night’ is a stunning take on 16-bit games for the 4K generation

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Indie darling The Last Night stepped onto the big stage this week at E3. The game was announced as an Xbox exclusive during the same event that Microsoft officially revealed its powerful new 4K console: the Xbox One X. After those proceedings, we sat down with Odd Tales' Tim Soret for an update on the "cinematic platformer" and to discuss the recent controversy about his tweets.

  • Microsoft

    Cyberpunk game 'The Last Night' revealed as Xbox 'launch exclusive'

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It's been a couple of years since we checked in on The Last Night, but the indie game just popped up during Microsoft's E3 2017 briefing, now tagged as a "launch exclusive." The Studio Ghibli-inspired dark fantasy game is looking as beautiful as ever and of course, the trailer is presented in Xbox One X-ready 4K resolution. Billed as a "cinematic platformer," it brings equal amounts of rain, neon and atmosphere -- sort of like an 8-bit Frame City Killer. Check back later this week when we have its developers, Odd Tales, join us for a live interview on Engadget's E3 stage.

  • The beautiful cyberpunk game that turned two brothers into developers

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Tim and Adrien Soret, brothers from Paris, were quietly developing a Studio Ghibli-inspired dark fantasy game when the Cyberpunk Jam digitally rolled into town in early 2014. They took a break from their existing development schedule to build a completely new experience, a pixelated, neon-infused, sci-fi homage to some of their favorite childhood titles -- Another World, Flashback and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. They were new to game development and unknown on the indie scene, but in six days they coded, animated and designed their entry, The Last Night, and then threw it online for voting. They didn't expect much. "When we discovered that we won out of 265 games, we were totally stunned," older brother Tim Soret says.