

  • Raid Rx: Overhealing ftw?

    Marcie Knox
    Marcie Knox

    Raid Rx is designed to encapsulate and cure the shock and horror that is 25-man raid healing. Ok, so it's mostly horror... Anyways, if you're a big fan of X-TREME Whack-A-Mole (or are being forced into it against your will) this is the column for you. Zomg, my banner has already been replaced by the Sunwell! /cry If you missed it, I give you an uber Raid Rx picture of the same theme. Who says healers aren't tough? Waaay back when dinos first started populating Un'goro Crater, raid healers had many methods of seeing whose liquid excrement would travel farther. Amongst these, the universal and most prized of those contests was Overhealing (OH). The less you overhealed, the less mana you were wasting and the supposedly better you were at healing. If you recall my Mana Conserve reference last week (how could you not?), people devoted time creating addons to eliminate wasted heals and these mods quickly became required by guilds everywhere.