

  • New app helps the uninsured find free healthcare

    Michael Grothaus
    Michael Grothaus

    Though The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that President Obama signed into law last month was a huge step in advancing universal health care for Americans, most of the dramatic benefits won't go into affect until 2014 (and even then, it's still not technically "universal"). But until we finally catch up to most of the other developed countries in the world, there's an iPhone app that can help Americans who are uninsured and struggling financially. The Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA) was founded in 2005 as a joint effort by America's pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies to help patients find medical programs for which they may be eligible to obtain free or nearly-free medication and services. The PPA has now launched an iPhone and Blackberry app to give patients another resource to find the help they need. The app lets patients scroll through the medicines offered by PPA member programs or locate one of 10,000 free health care clinics across the United States. The PPA app is free and available now in the App Store. For those of you without an iPhone or Blackberry that may need financial assistance in obtaining medication, you can check out the PPA's website or call toll-free 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669) to see if you are eligible for help. Free apps and free health care. What a wonderful world.