

  • Tracking sensors could hit school uniforms

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just a day after getting wind of those Kevlar-lined uniforms, it seems that English parents may want to monitor their kid's location throughout the day just to be cautious. Reportedly, a uniform manufacturer in England is "considering adding satellite tracking devices to its clothing range so parents will always know where their children are" -- a move encouraged by a recent survey that found some 44-percent of mums and dads to be "worried about the safety of their children." As expected, youngsters under the age of 12 didn't seem to mind the idea all that much, but teenagers were purportedly "more wary." C'mon, we all know the grown-ups just want to make sure they catch us skipping, right?[Via CNET, image courtesy of GreatForSchool]