

  • G.A.U.N.T.L.E.T. trades in keyboard and touchscreen typing for sweaty hands (video)

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Between touchscreens and physical keyboards, you'd thing that handset manufacturers have most of their bases covered. Given the fact that the G.A.U.N.T.L.E.T. isn't even the first glove keyboard we've seen, it seems safe to assume that there's some cold-handed portion of the populace that just isn't satisfied with their current options. Jake Liu's solution is the Generally Accessible Universal Nomadic Tactile Low-power Electronic Typist, a wireless glove keyboard that connects to mobile devices via Bluetooth, letting you type by touching your thumb to your fingers. The gloves, created when Liu was a student at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, have the corresponding letters printed on the fingers, with Enter, Backspace, Space and Function on the thumbnails, the latter of which allows you to switch between different keymaps like numbers and symbols. There's also an accelerometer built into the Minority Report-inspired peripherals for added functionality. Check out a quick video demo of the clove in action, after the break.