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    Amazon's free Android app program is nearing its end

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Back in 2015, Amazon launched a program called Underground that gave users free access to paid Android apps and in-app purchases. For those who've never heard of it before, you can think of it as a way to find applications you never knew existed or to try fun or useful ones you'd typically ignore. You can still try it out now by downloading the Underground app to an Android device -- it comes pre-installed on Fire tablets -- but as a word of warning, its days are already numbered. The e-retail giant has announced that it's shutting down the service and ending all support in 2019.

  • Amazon Underground has completely free apps, including in-app extras

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Free apps sometimes try to rope you into in-app purchases to make a profit. Not so with Amazon's new approach to free software, though, as the online retailer is offering over $10,000 in apps, games and even those in-app add-ons at no cost. Yes, it sounds too good to be true on the surface, but Bezos & Co. will compensate developers based on how long you use their apps. Amazon will shell out per-minute payments in exchange for developers nixing any fees, which means for the software is free to download and use. GdgtSpot reports that the company's "Free App of the Day" promotion is no more, so it looks like Underground will replace it. Since Google Play's rules don't allow for apps that serve up other apps or games, you'll have to download the Underground app directly from Amazon. And when you do, look for the "Actually Free" designation for items that are included in the new initiative.