Babys Day


  • Review: Baby's Day allows you to track feeding and other vital newborn stats

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    It's hard taking care of a newborn -- long hours, little sleep and the never-ending cycle of feeding, sleeping and changing diapers. If you are a new mom, do yourself a favor and download Baby's Day from Anne Halsall. Baby's Day is designed for moms of newborns who need to track all those little details that ensure your baby is growing as he or she should. The first thing you'll likely use after you launch the app is its timer, which lets you specify which side you are nursing on so you can keep your milk supply even. Before you start nursing your baby, just hit the big "Left" or "Right" start button (even with your arms full of baby, the buttons are easy to press) and the timer will start ticking off the seconds. When you are done feeding, hit stop to log the session. No more looking at a clock and trying to remember when you started and when you stopped, as the app does that for you. The timer can also be used for pumping, you just get to select from "Left," "Right" or "Both" to keep track of your pumping session. The highlight of Baby Day's is its logging feature that displays each nursing session, each pumping session, every diaper change and more in a running list. The log is more than just a list. It includes important details like the amount of milk produced while pumping, the time spent nursing and whether a diaper was wet or dry. All items in the list can be edited as needed. I especially like the icons, which are based on the international symbols. They make it easy to distinguish between a left and right nursing session, a left/right or both pumping session and so on. It's these little details that are so useful, but often overlooked in similar apps. Baby's Day also has a useful "Trends" view that gives you a week-long overview of your baby's schedule. The color-coded activities allow you to quickly see how often your newborn is eating, how frequently you are changing diapers and so on. It's not as detailed as the log, but it's helpful to see the big picture. Sometimes you pick up on parts of your baby's behavior that you would miss if you were only looking at a running log. Last but not least is a baby section that tracks your little one's vital statistics like height, weight and age. Oh and if you have twins or triplets, no worries! The app will let you track more than one baby. All these features are packaged into an app that is visually pleasing and easy to use, which is exactly what you need as a new mom. You already have a lot on your plate and learning how to use a complicated app should not be an added burden. You can download Baby's Day from the iOS App Store for US$2.99. It's a must-have if you are a new mom or a mom-to-be.