

  • A friend of the Mac web needs your help!

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    This isn't Apple-specific, but Dori Smith, mistress of Backup Brain and friend of the Mac web needs our help. Seems some rascal has gone and swiped her license plate, seemingly in broad daylight, while she was at work. This wasn't just any license plate, however. This one is special. It's a vanity plate that reads, simply, WEB GEEK.Here's Dori's please for help:I know a lot of people in the San Francisco/Silicon Valley area. I know a lot of Web geeks. The chances are good that whoever ends up with my plate knows someone who knows someone who knows me. So, I'm asking you for a favor; could you please: Tell your Northern California friends that I'm looking for it. Tell your Web geek friends that I'm looking for it. Post a message on your blog asking for help for me to get my license plate back. If you happen to come across it when visiting tech company offices, help it get back to me. I'm not asking people to call the police, or to turn their buddies in to the authorities, or anything like that. I'd simply like to get it back. No questions will be asked; no charges will be pressed - I just want my own property returned.So spread the word and save Dori what sounds like a merciless ordeal to try to get it replaced. She's done a lot for Mac users over the years and it's only fitting we return the favor!