BakerTweet, the Arduino-based pastry early warning system
Usually when we cover the baked goods beat 'round here it's in the form of a gadget-themed confection, so anything that actually empowers our sweet tooth is not only brilliant, it's dangerous! That's why we were really excited (and a little scared) to come across BakerTweet, a WiFi-enabled, Arduino-based prototype that one mounts on the wall of their bakery. Items are added or removed via web interface, which you can later select by simply spinning the dial. When the sweets come out of the oven, press the button to Tweet your eager customers and await the stampede. The prototype unit is being used at Albion's Oven in London, but we're looking forward to seeing it hit the streets Stateside at some point in the near future (even if our waist isn't). Video after the break.[Via SlashGear]
Gingerbread Macintosh for serious gingerbread fanboys only
Tech confections are nothing new: we've seen laptops, Kindles... heck, Martha Stewart even got in on the geek-baking action once upon a time. So maybe we shouldn't be impressed with this edible Mac, but the truth is, we love to eat, and the phrase "chocolate icons" really hooked us. So then... custard-filled pico projector in 2009? Yes. Hit the read link to check out more photos of this delectable desktop.
Cooking is so fun, cooking is so fun ... yay! Video is ready!
Cake Mania 2 is roasting away in the proverbial oven of development, ready to rock our socks on the DS. The original title was a bit on the non-good side, but hopefully this latest entry can pull something magical out of the baking tray. Funnily enough, the above trailer claims that we will experience "cake-baking nirvana," reaching a higher plane of human existence localized entirely within our kitchens! If a lifetime of happiness isn't enough, CM2 features Endless Baking Mode -- for those who feel the need to get their cake on until the end of time.Ice up that mouse and click through past the break for some extra screenshots. This is simulation with sugar, people.
Breakfast Topic: Cooling off
I like starmixx's idea from WoW LJ: whenever she's driven nuts by something in game, she just steps away and does some baking. To tell the truth, I've gotten pretty good at avoiding my ingame annoyances -- I don't really PuG all that much anymore, and I mostly avoid group quests (or just stay patient enough until someone I know can help me finish them). But sooner or later, we're all going to hit our heads up against something that happens in game, and then it's a good time to walk away and... do what?I personally find that going for a walk helps me clear my head -- nothing reminds me that "this is just a game" more than actually going out in the real world for a while. But I like that starmixx's plan is so productive -- you get de-stressed and get to have cupcakes? That's pretty win.What do you do when the game drives you nuts? Some of the folks in the LJ thread don't even leave the game -- they log an alt or just go fishing for a while. What's your plan when something in Azeroth makes you crazy?
Martha Stewart on how to bake an edible Wii
Martha Stewart has managed to bag a front cover appearance on Wired, a publication which somehow has convinced Martha to "geek out." Translation: Martha baked a cake in the shape of a Wii, and wanted to show it off. Although this example may not be in the same league as our birthday cake competition -- she ain't winnin' no Alienware with that thing -- we'll give Martha a respectable grade for her first effort: we wish her better luck next time with the "geeking out."