

  • Cataclysm Beta: Warrior talents and specializations

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    The Cataclysm beta has dropped a new talent build, and with it we have both the new talent specializations as well as the new talent trees. As you can see from the screenshot above: Arms warriors get Mortal Strike, Anger Management and Two-Handed Weapon Specialization for picking arms as their talent specialization. Fury warriors get Bloodthirst, Dual Wielding, Dual Wield Specialization and Precision. Protection warriors get Shield Slam, Vitality and Vengeance. What this means is that each tree will have a rigorous, defined role, and only that tree will make use of certain key abilities. As an example, only fury warriors will be able to dual wield at all. No more arms and prot dual wielding of any kind. In addition, we can now look directly at each talent tree with the new redesign and look at what you'll be spending those 31 points in. However, just because it's in this beta patch doesn't mean it will make it to live; we already know Impending Victory is not likely to survive.