

  • WoW Archivist: Blizzard's April Fool's jokes are more real than you think

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    WoW Archivist explores the secrets of World of Warcraft's past. What did the game look like years ago? Who is etched into WoW's history? What secrets does the game still hold? It all began in 2003, when Blizzard announced pandaren as a playable race -- for Warcraft III. This never happened, of course. The announcement was an April Fool's joke. But you know that someone at Blizzard back then really wanted to play as a panda. Nine years later, with the Mists of Pandaria expansion, we can all be pandaren now. When Mists was first revealed, the outcry from some in the community was fierce. Much of it centered around how "pandaren were just an April Fool's joke." Most of us, I would hazard to guess, have been won over by them in this expansion. With their incredibly deep history, love of life/beer, and gorgeous architecture, not to mention the amazing voice acting and animations that bring them to life, the pandaren have been a bigger hit for WoW than many ever imagined they could be. In 2004, a playable goblin tinker for Warcraft III was another April Fool's joke. An overwhelmingly enthused response for playable tinkers led to Blizzard adding them to the game. Given the origins of the pandaren and goblin tinkers, it's safe to say that any April Fool's joke that Blizzard has done over the years could one day spawn a tangible addition to the game, or perhaps a spinoff under the WoW brand. Let's look back at Blizzard's WoW-related April Fool's jokes to see which ones could be the next to become real -- and which ones already have.

  • Blizzard's April fools introduce you to Crabby the dungeon helper and more

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In traditional fashion, Blizzard has delivered up some pretty funny April Fools' Day gags for fans today, including personal favorite Crabby the Dungeon Helper. This year's jokes are great, and Blizzard always knows how to spend the day poking at fans and having a good time. Check out all the info on the new Tomb of Immortal Darkness, StarCraft Motion Experience, Crabby the Dungeon Helper, and the new Horadric Cube smartphone app. More after the break.