

  • About the Bloggers: Anne Stickney

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    About the Bloggers introduces you to the people behind WoW Insider. You can find articles on more WI staffers in earlier About the Bloggers entries. What do you do for WoW Insider? Oh, man. I write Know Your Lore on Sundays, along with the roleplay column All the World's a Stage. On Mondays, you can catch the Weekly Podcast Roundup. On Thursdays, I write World of WarCrafts, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I write up The Daily Quest. In addition, I sometimes fill in on The Queue, pop in on the WoW Insider Show when asked, and I do those little guide graphics on the side of the site, too. In short, I write. A lot. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Big corporation ruins double rainbow guy for us

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    We know we're not alone when we say that Paul "Bear" Vasquez made us turn all different colors of happy when we checked out his double rainbow video a few months back. That was awesome. You know what's not awesome? How a team from Microsoft took us "behind the lens" to show how Bear could have used Windows Live to stitch his still photos together to make a panoramic shot of said rainbow. We guess this campaign achieved at least two goals: increased our awareness of Windows Live (now we know that it stitches photos, but not much else) and got Mr. Vasquez a certain (hopefully ridiculous) amount of cash. But to be honest, we didn't really need to see this hawking of a product by someone who had pretty obviously never used it before a team from Redmond knocked on his YouTube account. Awkward, very tightly-edited video after the break. Update: another spot -- where they made him do it again -- also after the break.

  • The Road to Mordor: Putting the "lass" back in "class"

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With the not-so-recent NDA lift on the beta, LotRO players are fast at work discussing, analyzing, dissecting and pouring over all of the information coming from testers. Like a double Shire rainbow, the main question on everyone's lips is, "What does it mean?" We want to know how this is going to impact us, our future, and our gameplay, and the massive scope of this change is both unsettling and heady. Last week we sifted through the LotRO forums for testimonies about several aspects of the beta, which was treated with a stony silence from the lot of you. Oh, I kid! Nothing gets the tongues wagging around here like a good mouthful of free-to-play, although I've been informed by the leaders of the Global Conspiracy Against Gamers Having Fun that this topic has three days left on the clock until it's locked away in a vault forever. So even though I tried to touch on the relevant points of the beta last week, there's simply so much of it out there that I had to leave some behind. It's easy to forget that this fall's update contains more than the LotRO store, like a whole barrel of additions and fixes to the game -- including class tweaks. Grab my hobbity hand, and we will venture into the land of the unknown... the land of class changes.