Epson's new scanner resurrected my childhood memories
My mother likes to post old scanned photos of me on Facebook. Baby me in a clown costume. Toddler me looking grumpy, having just woken up from a nap. My brother and me looking like tiny British royals on Easter Sunday. These photos are embarrassing but not necessarily for obvious reasons. I don't mind people knowing I was a child. What I do mind is that the scans aren't good: Many are crooked, badly cropped or discolored. They don't look nice, and with at least 25 years of my life captured on film, neither my mother nor I have the time to scan the entire collection, let alone fix each picture to make it presentable for public consumption. That is, until we got our hands on Epson's $650 FastFoto FF-640, which can scan one photo per second. Spoiler alert: We were done with my mom's archive in under three hours.
Kris Naudus12.24.2016Epson's $650 FastFoto scanner is ludicrously speedy
Even though the vast majority of people have switched to digital photography, someone in your family likely has a box of old pictures stashed away somewhere. Birthday parties, Thanksgivings, bar mitzvahs -- there's probably some record of your childhood trapped in there. (My family certainly does.) Add in the fact that there's less and less need to own a printer, plus the tedium of scanning, and it all means those memories are likely to stay offline. Epson is looking to unearth that treasure pile of moments with the new FastFoto FF-640, which can scan, sort and even post your entire photo collection at a rate of one photo per second.
Kris Naudus09.15.2016