

  • FreeRideCoding releases SmartBackup

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    From the faraway land of Austria and the people who brought you BurnAgain (which earned rave reviews from David Chartier) comes SmartBackup, a 2.0 reworking of the company's original SyncupX backup tool. The new version of the app is intended for simple and easy backups, but it has a few pro-level features too: it leverages Spotlight's Saved Searches as a selection mechanism for backing up, handles archiving of changed items, integrates with Automator and iCal, and you can run it from the command line for remote triggering or scripted backups.I like the look and feel of SmartBackup, and the saved searches are a nice way of handling dynamic selections (e.g. "Back up all the JPEGs that were modified in the last week") for repeat jobs. It doesn't have the granular power of ChronoSync or the bootable mule-team-borax strength of SuperDuper, but if you are considering Apple Backup or Martian Lifeboat you may want to throw SmartBackup into the mix of possibilities. $19.50 for a single-user license.