iTunes: Free Thursday
Once again, TUAW is pleased to present you with a selection of free songs and videos from around the world. Many of these iTMS items won't be free for long, so grab your copies before the week is up. And don't forget: If you want to buy these on your iPhone or iPod touch, make sure to sign into your account in iTunes before you sync. Follow the jump for all the free iTunes goodies.
Erica Sadun06.26.2008iTunes: Free Wednesday
Once again, TUAW is pleased to present you with a selection of free songs and videos from around the world. Many of these iTMS items won't be free for long, so grab your copies before the week is up. And don't forget: If you want to buy these on your iPhone or iPod touch, make sure to sign into your account in iTunes before you sync. Follow the jump to find this week's list of iTunes freebies.
Erica Sadun06.18.2008Kostenlos Mittwoch: Es Gibt TV!
As Brett posted earlier, guess what's neu over at the Deutschland iTMS? TV Sendungen! Finally, TV has macht its way over the channel from England and für nur €1,99-€2,49 an eppy, you can get your TV on with South Park and Desperate Housewives. As far as the new hinzugefügte goes, I had a bit of trouble getting it all working this morning. You might have to wait until the store gets fully sorted. Here's a direct link to the new TV section, which features TV so wie Tramitz and Friends, Kaya Yanar, und Sechser Pack. Bitte forgiven Sie mein Deutsch. Despite having taken Erste Jahr Deutsch dreimal, not a lot of it stuck with mich. Kostenlossen/Gratis heute gibts jetzt in TV: Deutschland: Ladyland, Staffel 1 Ihre Frauenfiguren in "Ladyland" geben ihr die Möglichkeit, in die verschiedensten Rollen und Charaktere zu schlüpfen. Dabei stammen die Geschichten direkt aus dem Leben: überraschend, spannend, zum Schmunzeln, haarsträubend, verrückt und manchmal auch tragikomisch. Eben (fast) so, wie sie jeden Tag irgendwo auf der Welt passieren könnten. Anke Engelke schlüpft in jeder Folge in ganz unterschiedliche Rollen: Mal ist sie eine arrogante Immobilienmaklerin, die sich plötzlich in einem Kuhstall wiederfindet, dann die kleine kaufmännische Angestellte, bei der sich ein Scharfschütze auf dem Balkon einquartiert, mal eine angehende Ministerpräsidentin mit Alkohol-Problem, dann eine Hotelrezeptionistin mit künstlerischen Ambitionen oder ein einfältiges Blondchen, das tatsächlich eine SMS von Gott erhält. Deutschland: Pastewka, Staffel 3 In der 3. Staffel von "Pastewka" zeigt sich, dass das Leben eines Promis nicht nur extrem aufregend ist, sondern vor allem auch unglaublich kompliziert sein kann: Bastians Bruder Hagen ist immer noch mit der launischen Nachbarin Svenja Bruck liiert und führt diese - trotz Bastians massivem Widerstand - auch noch offiziell in die Familie ein. Vater Pastewka und Nichte Kim sorgen ebenfalls für Zuwachs: Kim hat endlich ihren ersten Freund und Vater Pastewka eine neue Putzfrau, die sich ganz offensichtlich nicht nur um seine schmutzige Wäsche kümmert. In der Beziehung zwischen Bastian und Anne kriselt es, und Annes dauerfröhlicher Ex-Freund Jo provoziert bei Bastian Eifersuchtsausbrüche. In all dem familiären Chaos dürfen natürlich auch in der 3. Staffel die lieben Kollegen nicht fehlen. So gibt es Gastauftritte u.a. von Michael Kessler, Maddin Schneider, Bully Herbig, Til Schweiger und Barbara Salesch. Deutschland: Switch, Staffel 1 Ob Daily-Soap, Talkshow, Nachrichten, Werbung oder Erotikmagazin - nichts ist vor "Switch" sicher und alles wird persifliert. "Switch" stellt mit hintergründigem Humor die Besonderheiten von Inhalten, Formaten und Darbietungen aus der gesamten Fernsehlandschaft heraus.
Erica Sadun04.02.2008iTunes: Free Wednesday Japan Update
It's Wednesday and the Japanese iTunes online store has finally updated with its free single of the week: Japan ??????????????????: KASUMI × NESIAN MYSTIK,Dance Floor????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????NESIAN MYSTIK????????????????????????????????????•????????????KASUMI?????????????????????????•???????????????????????????????????????????????????•???????????? My Space ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????•????????????????????????"Still Connected"??????????????????????????????!
Erica Sadun11.21.2007iTunes Japan: Thursday Update
Every week, the Japanese iTunes store updates later than the stores for the rest of the world. Because of this, the iTunes Single of the Week for Japan lags behind other countries. Here is this week's offering for you to download and enjoy. Be aware that it's having a few problems today--I've been getting iTunes Music Store errors when I try to go from the main page to the single description page. And remember, if you don't have an iTunes Japan account, you can buy a gift card online and set one up. Japan ??????????????????: Rebel Soul Music by Martin Luther????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????•??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????R&B??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????•??????????????????•???????????????????????????•??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Rebel Soul Music??????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
Erica Sadun07.12.2007iTunes Freebies: "Extras"
So why is it that TV shows are now starting to show up as podcasts rather than in the iTunes store? Today the first episode of Season 2 of Extras became available through iTunes--but it's a podcast. Something similar happened the other day with the PBS science pilots, also available as podcasts. So what's the deal? Normally, we've been expecting audio blogs, interviews and behind-the-scenes looks in the podcast section and pay-for-episodes in the store. So why is it that entire episodes are now starting to appear in podcastland? Is it just licensing terms? Or is it that this works internationally? Or is it that this way vendors don't have to pre-buy a million episodes at once like ABC did a few months ago? If you have some insight into this new trend (assuming it is a trend), let us know in the comments. Extras (Season 2 Premiere)What happens when an unknown actor who can't catch a break actually catches one? Now with HBO Podcast, you can catch the first episode of the new season in its entirety! Plus go behind the scenes and watch an interview with Ricky Gervais! Catch the brand new season, Sunday at 10 pm/9c.Thanks Fray.Update: More point-by-point discussion about this trend here.
Erica Sadun01.10.2007iTunes: Free Wednesday UK Edition
The UK store finally got updated today with the free download/Single of the Week. It's odd that it took so long this week. Even Japan's free single appeared before the UK's, which was very unusual timing wise. Leona Lewis still rules at #1--but my heart belongs to Eton Road and the Unconventionals. UK: The Nutcracker, Op. 71: Overture by St Petersburg Kirov Orchestra & Valery GergievThis month, the BBC will begin its celebration of the genius of Tchaikovsky, one of music's great melodic geniuses. As we end the festive season and move into the new year, iTunes and new LSO Chief Conductor Valery Gergiev preview the "Tchaikovsky Experience" with a free download Gergiev's famous recording of "The Nutcracker," our Single of the Week.
Erica Sadun01.03.2007