

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: From Draenor With Love

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, we've been featuring a regularly updating WoW-related web comic from our list. Today, we're shining the spotlight on From Draenor With Love: From Draenor With Love is created by Stacey, a freelance artist and illustrator, and Mike, a journalist and graphic designer. Stacey also runs a blog called Manalicious, and does character commissions. This comic is fairly accessible to new readers. The jokes are often about experiences that casual and "hardcore" players share alike. There is also usually a good discussion below the comic, which is enjoyable if you "got it" and informative if you didn't! Two of the main characters are Vidyala (a multi-lingual draenei who digs explosions and the Light) and Rades, an orc. The two bonded over their mutual love for goggles and "interest in how things tick and general mayhem." There are other characters, too, but you'll have to read the comic to meet them! You can read more about Stacey and Mike on the comic's About page, or more about Vidyala and Rades on the Characters page. From Draenor With Love updates Wednesdays.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Havin' a blast

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Bloodshed! Also, Tokkar and Jekk and Kindred Spirits have both updated. This week, the list features fishing (for suckers!), a thorny trap, a sexy shower scene, and more! NPC Nothing But Red and Dearest Reddest and Under Advisement Tokkar & Jekk Burn Out the Night and Shafted Kindred Spirits Implications and Fabled Reality Away From Reality Mama Drama DLC Protocol 18