

  • The Guild Counsel: Gold Rush, Alaska teaches how not to run a guild

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    I started watching Discovery's Gold Rush, Alaska last season, and while I always take "reality" tv with a grain of salt, I've gotten hooked on watching the slow-motion train wreck that is the Hoffman mining crew. The series follows a group of miners in Alaska as they try to strike it rich and find gold. Last season, the crew pulled out less gold than I have in my meager jewelery box, and the season ended with a water-filled hole, shoddy equipment, and a big financial debt. Interestingly enough, the lure of gold and the lure of leading a guild have some surprising parallels. To some, it's a temptation that's hard to resist, and to others, it's something that only fools or crazy people would do. If you do it right, and you have a little bit of luck, you can really strike it rich, but if you make mistakes or don't know what you're doing, you'll end up in a crater-sized hole with no way out, wondering how the heck things got to this point. In this week's Guild Counsel, we'll look at some of the mistakes made by the Hoffman mining crew and how they apply to running (or in this case, not running) a guild.