

  • UK government spends £2.8 million on road safety browser MMO

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Children are generally far more interested in video games than in mundane things like crossing the road safely. You can almost understand why the UK's Department of Transport would have something like Code of Everand developed -- it's a browser-based game that's meant to help teach children proper road safety procedure, and in that light you can also see why the game would be free to play. The fact that the game has cost a grand total of £2.8 million in development and operation, however, is a bit harder to justify. The game's active playerbase is suspected to number in the low thousands, with 170,000 total registered accounts. Unlike other free-to-play games, the game is meant as a public service and thus doesn't have any sort of cash shop, meaning that its future is in a fair bit of doubt. A quick perusal of the game's play guide makes the connection to actual road safety rather dubious, which would mark the game as a novel and interesting idea that's remarkably expensive. The game's future past March is in doubt, contingent upon subsequent evaluation.